Hajj Ya Allah Route
above map of Sumer and vacinity in ancient times was created by The International
History Project and is used with permission and appreciation. Haji
Allah went directly south at the same time he was going west to Assyria, Phoenicia,
and then to Mecca via North Arabia. Perhaps you noticed that we missed discussing
the LIL evolutions in ancient and modern Babylon. That is because I was saving
it to show that Babylon is very much the foundation of both the South Arabian
and Meccan pantheon. Of course Babylon sent its filthy religion in all directions,
so it was part of the Assyrian pantheon as well.
Most pagans are too superstitious to pitch out old gods, so Babylon's gods turn
up regularly in the strangest places. It comes up in Ezekiel 8 where the backslidden
Jewish women are weeping for Tammuz, who died in the summer, and the men stood,
in blasphemy, with their backs to the temple, watching for the sun to stay up
longer after the winter solstice.
Page 131 This
is the origin of our Christmas holiday, December 25th, and the Roman Catholic
Church kindly replaced the Babylonian goddess Ishtar and her baby, Marduk, with
Mary and baby Jesus. This pagan origin explains why Christmas is so well received
by ignorant Christians and pagans around the world-- it IS rooted in 5000 year
old paganism. Feel free to send for my free booklet on Christmas.
To see a picture of Baal,
the high god of early Babylon,
interesting place to find the Babylonian goddess, Allat, is in the Vatican. In
Phoenicia and Greece, Allat, the primal goddess form derived from the LIL root,
became Lat, and then Lato. From Greece she traveled to Rome to be the founding
lady of Rome's affairs as Lato. Thus ancient Italy was named Latinia or Latium
in honor of the naughty lady of Babylon, and Rome's language became Latin.
This is the language which the old Holy (?) Roman Catholic Empire used to conceal
the Bible, and it is the language they used to cloak their worship in mystical
ritual until the 1960's. Allat, you've come a long way, baby. When the Pope does
the Christmas Mass in honor of the goddess and child cult of Babylon, he appropriately
uses the language which honors Allat-- Latin.
The above detour has a real purpose. There is a claim by some alleged Christian
publishers that Islam was invented by the Roman Catholic church at the time of
Mohammed, through his first wife, Khadijah. It is claimed that she was "planted"
in Mohammed's life by the Pope. The Roman Catholic Church has done much evil,
but Allah and Allat, along with Arabian monotheism, were in Mecca long before
the Lord Jesus Christ was even born. Those who promote this tale of the Roman
Church inventing Islam are brazen liars, and it is wicked to lie in an effort
to destroy Islam. The facts of history do everything needed to devastate Islam.
Long before
Mohammed was born, pagan Christians were all over Arabia, to which they fled FROM
the Roman Catholic Church, because they were worse heretics than Rome itself!
These heretic "Christians," along with paganized Jews in Arabia, gave Mohammed
his doctrinal foundations. Again, it makes a graphic story to claim all of the
world's paganism originated from the Vatican, but Satan is quite capable of promoting
some of his wickedness without using Cardinals and Popes, helpful as they may
be at times.
Page 132
Christian-- Beware! Stop using any literature, in witnessing to Muslims, that
claims the above "plot" by Rome. It also makes fools of Muslims by implying they
were ignorant patsies of the white race who foisted their religion on them. It
is quite enough stress for a Muslim to see the truth by looking at Islam in its
historic Middle Eastern context. Leave the Pope out of it, and beware of the claims
of alleged "converted" Jesuits who cannot be verified by other converted Jesuits.
For more on this, see Appendix No. 2.
II called for a healing between Islam and the Vatican, and Pope John Paul II worked
hard for that goal. (FOOTNOTE 82: Keys of this Blood, Malachi Martin,
Pub. Simon and Schuster, NY) That may very well be what will happen soon. We have
a photo of the Pope kissing the Koran on one of his diplomatic journeys.
Dear Muslim reader, do you now believe me when I say that I care about your soul?
It would have been very colorful, anti-Islam and anti-Catholic, to twist the history
of Allah to sustain the above nonsense about the Pope starting Islam. But, it
would be a lie, and I want you to have a chance to get the truth. Allah is a devil
from Sumer, a pagan god from Babylon. That is enough to deal with and enough to
suggest that a Muslim consider Elohim and Jesus Christ of the Bible. But, we must
have a better look at Babylon.
Babylon, even more than Sumer before it, exported its spiritual garbage in all
directions, such as to India in the notions of the Isa Upanishads and Brahman,
alias Ramman, Rahman, Rimmon. The goddess and baby son cult are also rooted in
Babylon. This shows how Satan counterfeited the promise which God gave to Eve
in the Bible, Genesis 3:15, "And I will put enmity between thee (Satan) and the
woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it (Christ) shall bruise thy head, and
thou shalt bruise his heel (in the Crucifixion and resurrection of Christ)."
Here is the promise of a Son to be born of the woman (later, this was Mary) who
would defeat Satan. What higher priority could Satan have then to destroy or obscure
this hope? That is why goddess and son cults abound in all the earth, and they
all date back to Babylon, Nimrod's Babel. Satan understands the Word of God and
prophecy well enough to set counterfeits in motion long before God fulfills the
Before we embark with Haji Allah on his Hajj down the Euphrates River, through
the Persian Gulf, and via South Arabia, to Mecca, let's take a stroll through
the streets of ancient Babylon. Some of the sights will put you in awe of their
glory and inventiveness, but others may leave you with some nausea. Some of the
most revolting discoveries in Babylon actually made several archaeologists vomit
in revulsion as they unearthed the scene. I shall not tell you the worst so that
this book doesn't slide into ancient pornography.
Page 133 
As we enter the city of Babylon, we first see a two hundred foot seven story pyramid
towering above the city. The glazed bricks that face it glow in the sun. It is
not a tomb as in the Egyptian pyramids or Persian tombs. It is a temple, and right
under the pinnacle is a chamber where a young girl sleeps every night on a golden
bed in a sumptuous bed chamber. (See illustration on page 117) She is the nightly
consort of the god, Marduk. He is the baby god born, every December 25th, to the
virgin goddess, and he grows to manhood in a few months. Of course, there is no
real Marduk, as there is no real Santa Clause, but the ancients, like demented
modern men, loved the original Christmas cult.
The reigning god-king stood in for Marduk every night by visiting the young lady
in the divine bed-chamber. This would be the likes of Hammurabi or any lust-filled
priest whom he designated. Such pomp and glory, yet such gross depravity! (FOOTNOTE
83: 46 / 399 / 996; 52 / 130-133 / 915-916; 136 / 374-379 / 850-852; 35
/ 240-241 / 1540-41; 55 / 81 / 1583. Write me for a large file on Christmas in
Babylon and Sumer in 1000 to 2000 BC.)
As we move through the city of Babylon, we hear that we have arrived on the day
of the auction of brides. Hammurabi has arranged a very curious and unique method
of seeing to it that the ugliest girl could get a husband. Herodotus, the Greek
historian, tells of this. On the day of the auction all marriageable girls are
gathered at the auction location. The loveliest girl is auctioned off first, and
she brings a very high price. Then the second loveliest is auctioned off, and
so on, until no one will bid for a girl because she is not very pretty.
The auctioneer then offers to pay a "dowry" to whomever will marry the girl. The
"dowry" is paid out of the proceeds of the auction funds just collected. This
continues until the ugliest and last girl is married off. Her "dowry" is undoubtedly
about as high as the price paid for the loveliest girl.
Now, after living for fifty years at the mercy of modern bureaucracy, that appeals
to me. The state conducted a bureaucratic administrative device where everyone
was happy with the results, and it didn't cost the tax payers a cent, or shekel.
This was the way of Hammurabi. In the morning he could come up with some of the
fairest laws ever known in the history of the world. He made laws to protect widows,
orphans, the poor, and even slaves had some civil rights in Hammurabi's Babylon.
Then, that evening, he would go up to the pagan temple and rape a young girl on
behalf of Marduk. Man's devices always "fall short of the glory of God," right?
Now we come
to the house of astronomy. Here we find the scientists of Babylon not nearly so
taken up with the mystic meanings of the stars as were Nimrod's people, and later
the astrologers of modern Europe and Sedona, Arizona. The Babylonian astronomers
had catalogued all of the stars they could see in 1200 BC. There stellar navigational
charts were the ones used all the way into the Mediterranean area. By 800 BC they
had given positions and helical settings to the stars, thus enhancing the navigational
use of the heavens.
Page 134
In mathematics, they adopted 60 as a unit of measure, the basic unit of time in
the universe to this day. Their cuneiform writing was taken to the whole world
where writing was largely unknown. It is astounding that scientists today boast
of how we have surpassed the Babylonians, yet our students today graduate from
school frequently unable to read an employment application, let alone a navigational
chart. Next,
we come to a big ceremonial green or commons. Here dozens of women sit in long
lines of chairs, waiting. What are they waiting for? Once in the life of every
cultured woman in Babylon, she must go to the temple and be sired by a random
gentleman other than her husband. The men, often local losers or derelicts, come
along the rows, pick a woman, and enter the temple to render his services to the
lady. He gives her a silver coin, which is then given to the temple priests, who
keep a record of every woman's "devotions," and she is then in a right relationship
with the gods.
As we come along, a gold-gilded four-wheeled carriage draws up. Out steps a lavishly
dressed member of the royal family, disgust all over her face, and she finds a
seat along with the common housewives of Babylon. One very ugly lady has been
sitting here day after day for weeks because she has no appeal to the men who
come along. Ah, but here is an inebriate who has made it to the royal lady first.
He flips his silver coin into her lap, and they are off to the temple chambers
to do their "devotions." (FOOTNOTE 84: All of the above discussion of Babylon:
15 / 25-47 / 1665-1677) Modern feminists, who delight in exalting ancient goddess
cults, need to look a little deeper into the "good old days" of Ishtar.
this help you to understand why Jehovah, in Jeremiah 50-51, says he will one day
wipe Babylon off of the map? Saddam Hussein claimed he would get back all of the
"glory" of Babylon, and much of Babylon was restored by him. But Jehovah will
soon blast Babylon off of the earth. At
the right you see the palace of Saddam Hussein in restored Babylon along
the Euphrates River. We
must move on, but I hope you have a new appreciation for the Hebrew men, Daniel,
Nehemiah, Shadrack, Meshech, and Abed Nego, indeed all of those who were "faithful
to their God" after seventy years of resisting Satan in beautiful downtown Babylon.
I wonder how many of today's Laodicean Christians could stand up to that Babylon
in loyalty to Christ? (FOOTNOTE 85: Bible, Revelation 3:14-22) Also, how
is Babylon so unlike the sodomite presidencies and royal brothels we see today
in the USA and Europe? Food for thought, right?
Page 135 As
evening settles over the city the lamp lighters go along lighting street lamps.
They are fueled by petroleum gathered where it oozes out of the ground. We stand
on one of the bridges over the Euphrates River so that we can get a larger view
of the hanging gardens of Nebuchadnezzar. The whole area is intensely green, which
is a the result of a massive irritation system. Babylon-- such beauty, and such
gross paganism all mixed up together.
Is it not a lot like the great religious centers today? ...the Taj Mahal, shining
pure white in the Indian sun, while in its shadow the low caste beggars wait to
die in hope that when the twelve thousandth reincarnation is reached, they too
will arrive in the Brahman, Babylon reminds us of the ashrams of India,
Switzerland, and Oregon where the faithful feed on the most healthy diets, do
aerobics, then men and women alike go service the libido of the great garlic-breathing
guru, ...or, consider the Vatican plaza with its pomp and circumstance par excellence,
while right in front of the whole scene stands the great obelisk, complete with
ball on top-- the universal phallic symbol, and nearby, in 855 AD, Joan of Anglia,
who concealed her sex to become Pope John VIII, gave birth to a bastard son, on
the pavement, while on her way to celebrate Mass at the Lateran. (FOOTNOTE 86:
Write for a bibliography on The Woman who was a Pope. Also see Encyclopaedia
Britannica, 2nd Edition, 1778-83)
And, as the Pope elevates the host at the Christmas Mass, he stands in St. Peter's
Basilica, Named for Basilisk, the phallic serpent god of Greece. False religion
always has a veneer of beauty, while noxious filth lurks just beneath the surface.
That is why it is highly significant that Haji Allah, alias ENLIL of Sumer, should
go to Mecca by way of Babylon rather than Jerusalem!
But, we may not linger any longer in Babylon. Haji Allah is about to continue
his Hajj to Mecca, and we must not keep him waiting. I need to re-introduce you
to Allah as he would be known in Babylon. The high god of Babylon was Ba'al. This
is derived from LIL / IL of Sumer, whom you met earlier. The break down of the
name is Ba'ILAH, and the goddess is Ba'ILAT. Langdon reports that Astarte was
also Ba'alat or Beltis, the wife consort of Gebal, another LIL derived god of
Babylon. (FOOTNOTE 87: 89 / 66-67 / 383; 55 / 80 / 1582) This is simply
a linguistic twist caused by moving from Sumer to Babylon. The Bible gives us
understanding of the name Ba'al in discussing the priests of Ba'al.
The Bible, Psalms 53:4,
Have the workers of iniquity no knowledge? who eat up my people as they eat bread:
they have not called upon God.
136 The
Bible, Isaiah 6:12-13, And the LORD have removed men far away, and there be a
great forsaking in the midst of the land. But yet in it shall
be a tenth (of the people), and it shall return, and shall be eaten: as
a teil tree, and as an oak, whose substance is in them, when they cast their leaves:
so the holy seed shall be the substance thereof. The
Bible, Isaiah 66:3, He that killeth an ox is as if he slew a man; (I.E. for
food) he that sacrificeth a lamb, as if he cut off a dog's neck; ... Yea, they
have chosen their own ways, and their soul delighteth in their abominations.
The Bible,
Revelation 17:12-16, And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which
have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the
beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.
These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is
Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen,
and faithful. And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore
(modern ecumenical church) sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations,
and tongues. And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast (New World
Order and the United Nations), these shall hate the whore, and shall make her
desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.
Bible makes it clear that violent people ate those whom they hated in the past,
and they will eat the people of the Whore of Revelation in the future. This is
why our hearts go out to those caught up in the Roman Catholic Church and world
religion. They will ride high for a while in the near future, but they will literally
be the lunch, Roman Catholic shish-kabab, for the New World Order system in the
coming Great Tribulation. Now, what does this have to do with Ba'al? Simply this:
"Priest of Ba'al," as it appears in ancient Semitic epigraphs, and in the Hebrew
Old Testament is, CANA BA'AL. This is the derivation of the word, cannibal, which
has survived into the English language!
The priests of Ba'al in Babylon ate human flesh ceremonially, a custom observed
from Babylon to Greece to modern witchcraft, and this is the second headquarters
of the god LIL or Haji Allah. It is not a small matter that Allah should be at
home in Babylon in 1000 BC.
In other words, if the Babylonian priests said, "Ba'al would like to have you
for lunch," you didn't go if you could help it. Allah was not far behind either.
(FOOTNOTE 88: The Golden Bough, Sir James G. Frazer, Macmillan, NY,
p. 339-341 / shelf.)
Do the inscriptions show that Allah was in Babylon? First, let me remind you that
we already looked at the Sumerian use of Allallu, Alla, and Alala in the Epics
of Gilgamesh and Inanna. (FOOTNOTE 89: 173 / 371 / 995; 93 / 199 / 984)
These variations on the Allah name were in place long before Hammurabi's Babylon,
and we note that the Babylonians took in all of the Sumerian pantheon in tact.
Page 137
A Babylonian document found in Nineveh gave the names of the gods and their Assyrian
equivalents. Enlil was still at the top of the list! He survived 1500 years to
still be honored in Babylon. That is a very long time by modern standards. Sayce
makes it clear that the flow was from Sumer to Babylon, and then to Assyria.
This means that our previous study of the flow of LIL through Assyria, Phoenicia,
and North Arabia was, in part, the product of Babylon in its origins. (FOOTNOTE
90: 93 / 200 985; 142 / 82 / 1009) To add their own trade mark to the pantheon,
the Babylonians simply raised goddess and son, Ishtar and Marduk, to the prime
position in place of Inanna and Gilgamesh, alias Semiramis and Nimrod, of Sumer.
Allat and Allah were not replaced in this process, so they went on down the road
eagerly seeking their future. To
see Ishtar and Marduk, CLICK HERE.
Since Allat
was busy in the Babylonian inscription and cuneiform accounts, we know very well
that Allah was on hand at least as a grammatical "other." Muller reports, in 400
BC, in nearby Persian writings, that they wrote, "Allah is exalted" among other
gods. This was found across the river from Babylon, but it shows how Allah had
moved his influence well beyond Babylon. (FOOTNOTE 91: 107 / 264 / 79) Also,
after Alexander the Great conquered Persia, circa 300 BC, Allat, who was well
established there, became replaced by Athena. That was the same goddess, only
the name was changed to appease the conqueror. (FOOTNOTE 92: 177 / 532 /
217) It is
also interesting to find that Rammanu, who was Rimmon of Assyria, Brahman of India,
and Rahman of Islam, was also known in Babylon as IL-hallabu. (FOOTNOTE 93: 89
/ 39 / 368) The IL and Allah root are very obvious. This shows that Allah and
Allat were well entrenched in Babylon as were all of the cults of the Middle East.
This also shows why Mohammed confused Rahman and Allah as the same god. They WERE!
And, they have Rimmon for their Babylonian ancestor. Hinduism has the same god
as Islam, or Brahman and Rahman. This makes the war between Muslims and Hindus
in India look very silly.
Page 138
It is interesting that the Babylonian "Halla" shows up in South Arabia later as
HLH in the inscriptions. We will discuss this shortly. Allah was not personally
very prominent in Babylon because Allah had become a generic universal god by
the time he reached Babylon, and he would stay that way until 625 AD when Mohammed
would raise him to monotheistic singularity for the first time ever. J J M Roberts,
in his list of god / goddess names, has shown very clearly that the IL and ILUM
roots are the foundation of nearly all god names in Mesopotamia before UR III.
(FOOTNOTE 94: 132 / all / 932-945)
Another obvious reason why Allah became the generic god is that the pagan gods
do age. The LIL of ancient Sumer was a kind and benevolent god who loved his people.
They prayed to him because they believed that he would help in conception and
child birth. (FOOTNOTE 95: 132 / 34 / 937) This changed as others took LIL's
place, and by the time LIL had become Enlil, then Be'IL, then ILAH, then Al ILAH,
IL-hallabu, and finally Allah, senility had taken the tenderness from him. This
is the god of Mohammed and the Koran-- "Allah, the unknowable."
Frederick P. Noble quotes Palgrave, "Allah, Islam's absentee landlord... wound
the clock of the universe and went away forever." (FOOTNOTE 96: 110 / 75 / 1611)
Islam received a generic geriatric deity who was already old and decrepit, 1000
years before Mohammed's birth. Discussion
of the mean tempered old god, Allah. A
discussion of Babylon Dilmun
we have established a point in time when Allah was a resident of Babylon. Let
us follow him next as he travels down the Euphrates river to its delta. This is
the area of Basra, just north of that novel British invention called Kuwait. We
move on down the west bank of the Persian Gulf to present day Bahrain where the
ancient city of Dilmun was located. The history of Dilmun and vicinity starts
back in Sumer. We mentioned in Chapter Twelve that the
god of heaven in Sumer was Anu (his wife was Antu), who was the sun god, and his
off-spring included Merodach. He was originally the redeemer of mankind and associated
with resurrection from the dead. Before the Tower of Babel, Anu would have
been El, or Elohim. [ Please understand that there was only one language
before the Tower of Babel event in which Jehovah confused the languages. So, Anu
was the new name which Jehovah caused to come into the mouths of the pagans so
that they would be forced into a divorce from Jehovah. I am not going soft in
this discussion ] Anu
was basicially lost along the way as the centuries went by, and Enlil, earth god,
took charge. This left El of the Hebrews unique and set apart from the pagan
cults, as the God of Adam, Shem, and Asshur wanted it. So, Enlil prevailed
in the pagan world.
In Babylon the high god was Bel, Ba'al (Ba' IL), and eventually, In the stellar
pantheon, he was the god, Jupiter. This heritage crossed over to be absorbed into
the person of Enlil (heaven springs from the earth) as time went by, because the
Babylonians got things all turned around, and Enlil was prevailing. Ecumenism
knows no bounds when divine polity is human in nature. Enlil, who started as earth
god, evolved to become the high god of the Middle East.
Bel's wife was Zarpanit who may be implied in the Bible in II Kings 17:30 as Succoth-benoth.
The children
of this divine couple were Nebo (male) and Tasmit (female), who immediately married
each other. To the god Nebo, the Babylonians later erected a temple-- "The temple
of the Seven Lights of Heaven and Earth" in the suburb of Borsippa. The Arabs
call this Birs-i-Nimrud today. It is curious that Nimrod is still in the thinking
of Arabs today as they rename ancient holy cities which were the direct result
of Nimrod's blasphemies. DILMUN
This Nebo left his mark over in Canaan, or Israel, as a city and mountainname.
(Bible, Ezra 2:29 and Deut. 32:49) Here is the interesting point. Nebo was known
in Sumer as Dismar, and a temple was erected to him at Dilmun, present day Bahrain,
where Allah is headed on his Hajj. Dismar was known as Enzak to the Semitic Arabs
there. To
show how these gods migrated around, Merodach, the god of Babylon, and father
of Bahrain's or Dilmun's god, was also called Rimmon, the god of choice in Syria.
Rimmon is Rahman of the Koran, and after he crossed the Persian Gulf, he became
The Brahman of the Indus Valley. Also, Sin, the moon-god of Sinai, was known in
North Arabia, and in Yemen, and was the patron god of UR in later days. So Allah's
arrival in Dilmun was just a visit of an old friend who had changed his name.
It was quite a family reunion at Dilmun. And, Allah bore the hereditary
lineage of the gods from primal times, to wit Anu, Ea, and Enki melded into one
high latter day god.
All of this makes it clear that the whole pantheon in the Babylon, UR, and Dilmun
area was directly the heritage of Enlil or LIL, the ancestor of Allah. The temple
to Dismar in Dilmun, built around 2000 BC, was a tribute to the heritage of Allah
as he arrived in the Bahrain area. Indeed, it was a sort of pagan version of Messianic
biblical teachings. Or, was Allah the first Madhi?
In more recent times, we see this melding together of pagan deities in the Mother
and Child evolutions within the Roman Catholic Church circa 300 AD. The
average Roman Catholic today has no idea how the Greek, Egyptian, Phoenician,
and Roman goddesses and their deified sons converged and melded to become the
foundation of the Marion cult. This also should be a red light caution to
all Bible believers to carefully filter ALL forms and creeds through the Bible
rather than through tradition. Tradition and diplomacy is what brought Allah
out of Sumer to Mecca. The creeds of the Reformation have the same diplomatic
flaws as they supplant the Word of God. Beware, Christian reader. Here
is the history of Dilmun in brief. I want you to realize that Dilmun was not some
mere watering hole for Bedouin camels. It was a highly civilized city, and modern
Arab history, now resulting in the nation of Bahrain, obscures the fact that it
has been in perpetuity from the most ancient times: The
Dilmun Empire A considerable commercial nexus between Mesopotamia and the Indus
Valley, Dilmun controlled much territory adjacent to the island, though how much
is unclear. There
are at least two distinct phases, an early city existing from c. 2800-c. 2300,
and a second from .............................................................................c.
2300-c. 1750. Dilmun
was regarded as being the final home of Ziusudra, the Sumerian Noah, and was famed
on account of its natural springs as the gate into Abzu, the abyss, or the Ocean
Below, which the Sumerians believed mirrored the Sea Above. Kassite
1600-c. 1200 Late Dilmun City State......................................................................c.
1100-c. 709 Assyrian dependency.........................................................................c.
709-609 Uperi...................................................................................................709
?-706 Ahundaru I..........................................................................................706-685
Ahundaru II.........................................................................................660-635
To Babylon..........................................................................................609-331
Possibly an outpost of Macedon ? ....................................................331-312
Possibly an outpost of the Seleucid Empire.......................................c.
300-c. 200 BCE Probably local control, punctuated by times of Persian
influence or occupation. To Persia..............................................................................................4th
cent. CE-c. 635 To the Caliphate..................................................................................c.
635-10th cent. Probably local occupation by various Bedawi clans. At
times influence from Persia or other regional powers. The chronology of this
place at this time is not well known. To Portugal..........................................................................................1521-1602
To Persia.............................................................................................1602-1783
al-KHALIFAH Ahmad.......................................................................1783-1796
Salman I..............................................................................................1796-1825
with... 'Abdallah.............................................................................................1796-1843
with... Khalifah..............................................................................................1825-1836
and... Mohammed.........................................................................................1834-1868
'Isa I....................................................................................................1869-1935
with... Hamad I..............................................................................................1923-1942
Salman II............................................................................................1942-1961
'Isa II...................................................................................................1961-1999
Hamad II.............................................................................................1999-
Allah had not kept moving on south and into Saba, the center of Islamic worship
might well have been Dilmun.
We note in
passing, that Allah was not related to the moon-god cult as some have claimed.
He was, if anything, the sun god deity, while Allat was most certainly the moon
goddess. Thousands of epigraphs attest to Allat's moon goddess role. To
complete the stellar pantheon of Islam, Al-Uzza filled the place of Venus. The
two ladies, Allat and Al Uzza, are the origin of the star and crescent of Islam.
So, we see by this larger picture that Allah was actually present in the Dilmun
area as early as 2000 BC. (FOOTNOTE 97: 153 / 74-77 / 1005-6)
Those two or three historians who saw Allah as moon god simply did their research
too early, or they had some axe to grind. The more recent apologetic for
Allah as moon god totally ignores the air-tight evidence that Allat was the moon
deity, and Allah loses his counterfeit role as the supplanter of Elohim. Satan
is NOT as stupid as some of these historians. Satan knows his counterfeits
must resemble Jehovah, who is likened to the sun, not the moon, in Scripture.
Read that again please. Dr. Robert Morey should be sent here by someone.
Even Messiah Christ is referred to in Malachi as the "Sun of righteousness."
The Bible,
Malachi 4:2 "But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness
arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves
of the stall. "
has followed this lead in making himself and angel of light, and the moon is left
to the counterfeit Mary of Romanism. Islam was manufactured by Satan in
the same mold, thus Allah MUST hold the office of sun god. The lady, Allat
holds the office of moon goddess. As a powerful argument here, it will be
remembered that the primal gods, after the language confusion of the Tower of
Babe, were ALL non-lunar dieties-- they were of heaven, sky, and earth.
The moon was left to the ladies or other kin. Next,
let us wander around Dilmun and the Bahrain / Qatar peninsula as it would have
appeared in the days when Allah came through on his Hajj to Mecca. While Dilmun
was not as advanced as Sumer in 2000 BC, it was far ahead of the steppes of Europe,
where my Dutch ancestors, in 2000 BC, were lopping off each other's heads for
fun and eating raw boar for esthetic thrills. While the caliphs of Dilmun reclined
in gold embroidered slippers, my kin were clomping through the mud in wooden shoes.
How humbling :-) The
whole area consists of several towns such as Barbar, Diraz, Sar, as well as Dilmun.
In about 2000 BC the Sumerians gave to this area their gods, Enki, as well as
Ea and Enlil. This is startling since the people of this area were Semitic, and
later, totally Arab, as they are today. This shows that as the IL / LIL / Allah
godhead moved toward Arabia, the Semitic Arabs eagerly added the Sumerian pantheon
to their list of worthy gods.
Outside of Barbar are 15,000 burial mounds showing that this was a well established
city. Excavations showed these people had sheep, goats, cattle, and of course
camels. They drank from fired clay goblets, and used copperware on their tables.
A bronze handle to a drill pump showed that they were either manufacturers or
clever traders, and their looms, pottery kilns, and fishing equipment indicate
they were very diversified.
Page 140
Since fresh water is reached at only six feet, they must have had exceptional
crops. In recent years a very high yield in cereal grains has been reached. They
would have raised wheat, barley, dates, melons, carrots, radishes, and probably
cucumbers. Along with the fishing potential in the Gulf, their menu must have
been very interesting. This
is the environment to which Haji Allah came as he traveled south along the western
shore of the Persian Gulf. The rulers of Dilmun and environs were on intimate
terms with the Sumerian rulers of Nippur and Ur III, so Allah's arrival would
have been anticipated and welcomed.
Sumer found such distant cities easier to trade with peaceably than to conquer
outright, so this assured the Arabs and Ishmaelites of Dilmun a peaceful and prosperous
tenure over the centuries. Allah was easy to get along with since he demanded
very little from those along his Hajj route, and the Arabs of Dilmun and the surrounding
area had plenty of time, from about 2000 to 1000 BC, to get to know Allah very
well. (FOOTNOTE 98: 128 / 168-172 / 402-408) It is no wonder that today
one out of every three petro-dollars from the United Arab Emirates goes to promote
Islam. (FOOTNOTE 99: Gleaned from Arab friends.) Recent
discoveries and epigraphic evidences tie Dilmun solidly to ancient Sumer. Let
us verify that we are not running down a rabbit trail. We are following the ancient
IL heritage of Allah, so, let us end this section with a quote:
An, god of heaven, may
have been the main god of the pantheon prior to 2500 BC., although his importance
gradually waned. (Kramer 1963 p. 118) In the early days he carried off heaven,
while Enlil carried away the earth. (Kramer 1961 p. 37-39) It seems likely that
he and Ki/Ninhursag were the progenitors of most of the gods. although in one
place Nammu is listed as his wife. (Kramer 1961 p. 114) Among his children and
followers were the Anunnaki. (Kramer 1961 p. 53) His primary temple was in Erech.
He and Enlil give various gods, goddesses, and kings their earthly regions of
influence and their laws. (Kramer 1963 p. 124) Enki seats him at the first seat
of the table in Nippur at the feast celebrating his new house in Eridu. (Kramer
1961 p. 63) He hears Inanna's complaint about Mount Ebih (Kur?), but discourages
her from attacking it because of its fearsome power. (Kramer 1961 pp. 82-83) After
the flood, he and Enlil make Ziusudra immortal and make him live in Dilmun. (Kramer,
Samuel Noah, History Begins at Sumer, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia,
1981 p. 98) That
the Sumerians have Enlil assigning gods to Dilmun in 2500 BC shows how very logical
it is that Allah, who linguistically evolved much later, should be welcome in
Dilmun. But, before we leave Dilmun, let us see if the Persians had any knowledge
of the IL and Allah godhead. Recently
found trade routes in the Empty Quarter of Saudi Arabia from 4000 years ago.
This shows that
Allah did indeed cross the Empty Quarter to reach the west side of Arabia, for
the trade routes from Bahrain, then called Dilmun, would have paralleled the ocean
routes of commerce.
fort on Tarut Island off the coast of Saudi Arabia in the Persian Gulf. Only
women may enter the fort now and bath and visit at a pool which dates to the Sumerian
era. Under the fort are at least three layers of previous civilizations. On the
right is a second view of the fort, courtesy Thomas M. Mathewson This is the
fort under which Binney found the pot sherds from several ancient civilizations.
Persian Connection To
see how Allah traveled southward along the Persian gulf we need to look at the
Persian connection. As I write, Iran, modern day Persia, is a leading player in
the affairs of Islam. It should be no surprise that Allah gathered some Persian
notions as he passed through. In 1938, the expedition of the Royal Central Asian
Society found a temple to the Moon god in the Hadhramaut (South Arabia) out of
the town of Mukalla. The find was dated from circa 350 BC. In the excavations,
Persian coins were found showing that this currency was in use in the area. Add
to this a record of Persian taxation of Yemen, and this is powerful proof that
Persian influence had traveled to the back door of Mecca. (FOOTNOTE 100: 195
/ 209-210 / 726-727)
What would the Persian and Arab traders have brought with them, first to Dilmun,
then on around the corner into the Hadhramaut? Answer: Other than giving Allah
a free ride, they brought the Kaaba. We already noted that Kaaba was the goddess
of Phoenicia who gave birth on December 25th to a son named Dusares. (FOOTNOTE
101: 89 / 16-17 / 356)
We also find that the word "Ka'bah" comes by way of Persia. In the Sixth International
Congress of Iranian Art and Archaeology at Oxford, David Stronach presented a
paper on the remains of the tomb of Cyrus at Pasargadae which dated from 525 BC.
It had a massive stone foundation with a shrine-house on top. Inside the shrine
was a gold coffin containing Cyrus' remains, a couch, and a table with some drinking
cups on it. For all his pomp during his lifetime, he seemed to have a very abbreviated
expectation for the afterlife. Above the shrine-house was a chamber for the magi
who would look after Cyrus' interests in the next life.
Page 141 As
was the case with most well-planned tombs of ancient kings, Cyrus wrote the inscription
ahead of time taking credit for every great thing that he expected to do. As it
turned out, he did pretty well at living up to his own prophecies for himself.
Our kings, dictators, and presidents today would not dare do such things since
they so often die of over-spiced soup or lead poisoning to the brain before they
even get the palace rooms aired out and a new bar of soap into the soap dish.
In any case, Cyrus called his tomb in the Persian language, "Ka'bah." The graphic
shows the Ka'bah of Cyrus-- Ka'aba east. To
see a tomb of Darius, or one of several Kabah, in Persia, CLICK
HERE. Also in photo at left. His
son, Cambyses II, had his own smaller tomb built near papa's, and it was also
called a Ka'bah. There may have been some connection to fire worship in these
tombs, but it is clear that the word, Ka'bah, in ancient Persia, was associated
with tombs. (FOOTNOTE 102: 239 / 313-317 / 1155-1159)
Now here is the problem for Islamic Muslims. The word Ka'aba is used for the stone
temple in Mecca which is circled seven times by the pilgrims during their Hajj
ritual. "Ka'aba" is NOT an Arab word. It is said by Muslim apologists to be derived
from several things, one being that it is the word for "cube" in Arabic.
But the definition which seems to cling to the Arab imagination best is that the
"kab," or heel of Mohammed, left the earth last. Some dear follower of Mohammed
grabbed his heel, and so the Kaaba sanctifies some aspect of this fable. Nonsense!
We have seen in our study of the northern route of Allah's Hajj that "Kaaba" is
the goddess of Phoenicia, and we now see that "Ka'bah" is the word for "tomb"
in Persia where Allah passed on his southern route to Mecca.
It is very clear that these two heritages were carried in Allah's saddle bags
along both of the routes to Arabia, and they met in Mecca to become the shrine
of Islam. A tomb of death, in honor of the goddess, was delivered to Mecca by
Haji Allah.
Page 142
Do you think this is presumptuous? Well, consider another twist in the Persian
connection. In 520 BC, soon after Cyrus was laid to rest in his Ka'bah, Darius
had built his citadel in a city called Allanush (derived from "Allah"). This was
just north of Dilmun, present day Bahrain.
The citadel of Darius was very elaborate, and had much of the grandeur of Nebuchadnezzar's
palaces. The empire had faltered since Cyrus' days, and Darius pulled it back
together, so a grand headquarters was in order, and naming it Allanush, in honor
of Allah, was a clear indication that Allah was well thought of by the pagan Persians.
This coinciding of Allah's name in Darius' days with the Ka'bah-tomb of Cyrus
shows that Haji Allah migrated, in grand style, to Mecca by way of South Arabia.
(FOOTNOTE 103: 115 / 166-167 / 179-180) This shows the heritage of Allah
was tied to Persian traders and rulers long before Mohammed, and those Persian
traders certainly didn't get Allah from Abraham or Moses. What
is the transition from Persia to South Arabia? The Persians were literally invited
to invade Yemen by the Yemenites. The occupation by Persia resulted, and South
Arabia had a highway cleared, from Dilmun to Yemen, over which Allah could travel
into Saba. The
people of the peninsula shared the same ethnic heritage, i.e., Semitic. Linguistically,
however, they were somewhat divided; the language of the north was Arabic while
that of the south was Sabaean. Additionally, thanks to the Ma'arib dam, the south
had commanded a successful agriculture and, thereby, continued to enjoy a prosperous
economy through trade. Using terraces and dams, the Yemenites irrigated large
tracts of inhospitable land, mostly on the slopes of mountains. Their main crops
consisted of aromatic plants.1 With frankincense and myrrh in abundance, Yemen
entered the spice trade that connected India with the Byzantine and Persian Empires.
In fact, it became a port of entry for goods arriving from India and Somalia while
contributing its own, gold, frankincense, and myrrh to the trade.2 In time, the
spice trade that had promoted Yemeni commerce caused its downfall. In the sixth
century, Ethiopia, interested in selling its own ivory in the Byzantine and Persian
markets, made a bid to control the Spice Route by invading Yemen. Helpless, Yemen
called on Sassanid Iran for protection. The Persians obliged. Rather than by Ethiopia,
Yemen was occupied by the Persians for the next 50 years, virtually until Yemen
was included in the Islamic Empire. (Samanid Renaissance and Establishment
of Tajik Identity by Iraj Bashiri, 1997 )
Later, the Persians, upon embracing Islam, did not abandon their pagan system
of worship. Their Ahriman (Alias Rimmon, Rahman, and Brahman) became Sheitan,
or Satan. This was a divine mess since Mohammed also used Rahman as a name of
the god of Islam. Much later, the Persian's high god, Ormazd, became Allah. This
was in about 670 AD when Islam formally took hold in Persia. Persians are Aryan
white race people who demand an emotional kick out of their religion (something
like the New Age mystics of today).
Such was Abdel-Kedar Jilani. He practiced yoga, levitation, hypnotism, and could
listen in on far away conversations long before the CIA was doing it. Please notice
his last name-- Jilani. There is IL in a Muslim's name in Persia long after Mohammed
had died. IL certainly persisted in the minds of the Middle Eastern pagans, and
he definitely made it to Mecca as Allah. (FOOTNOTE 104: 55 / 337-338 / 1590-1591a)
Chosroes II of Persia was the only king outside of Arabia to ever set up any authority
in Arabia, and his conquest of Yemen in 620 AD was in the form of tax collecting.
His presence in South Arabia near the time of Mohammed's birth is clear proof
that the highway to Mecca was paved smooth by Persian paganism on behalf of Haji
Allah. (FOOTNOTE 105: 169 / 476 / 40) South
of Saudi Arabia NOTE:
These three areas were connected by trade routes from the most ancient times,
when Arabia was much more temperate, until the present.
THE NAJD (CENTRAL REGION): The Najd is a stony desert plateau at the heart of
Saudi Arabia, somewhat isolated from the rest of the peninsula. It was from here
that Ibn Saud led his tribe of nomads out to create a new kingdom through conquest.
Despite oil wealth, some Najdis still lead a semi-nomadic life, tending camels
and sheep, but many have settled in the same towns they once milked for tribute
with threats of violence. Watchtowers, standing guard on all the high points in
Najd, are a reminder of this age-old conflict between nomad and farmer.
RIYADH: . Riyadh: The royal capital, Riyadh (Ryad), is a modern city built on
the site of the first town captured by Ibn Saud, when he stormed the Musmat Fort
in 1902 (a spearhead embedded in the main door is said to be the one with which
Ibn Saud killed the Turkish governor). Apart from the fort and a few traditional
Najdi palaces near Deera Square, little trace of the old town remains. The King�s
Camel Races are held near the city in April or May. Other places of interest in
Najd are Al-Hair, Aneyzah, Diriya, Hail, Qassim, Shaib Awsat, Shaib Laha, Towqr,
Tumair, Wadi-al-Jafi and Wadi Hanifa.
HASA (EASTERN REGION) : Fertile lowland coastal plains inhabited by the kingdom�s
Shia minority, who have traditionally lived by fishing, diving for pearls, raising
date palms and trading abroad and with the interior. All of Saudi Arabia�s vast
stocks of oil lie under Hasa or beneath the Gulf, and the locals are now outnumbered
by foreign oil-workers from all over the world. Places retaining some flavour
of old Hasa include Hofuf, a lively oasis with Turkish influence and a camel market;
Jebel-al-Qara, where the potteries have been worked by eight generations of the
same family; Abqaiq, which has a 5000-year-old saltmine, still in operation; the
ruined customs house at Uqair, once an important Portuguese port and caravan terminus;
and Tarut Island, site of the oldest town on the peninsula, now a picturesque
settlement of fishermen and weavers. The
Yemen is at the southwestern corner of the Arabian peninsula and has always been
the terminus of ancient and modern trade routes. The pearls, copper, gold, and
spices of Sumer, India, and Persia were trans shipped through Dilmun and sent
on to The Yemen. Then, the traders, like Mohammed, Kadijah's caravan master, would
take them to Mecca and on to the sea. | It
is important to understand that, as we talk about Saudi Arabia, we are discussing
the geographical area and what happened there in past centuries. The word "Saudi"
is not ancient. It is the name added to the word Arabia when the Bani Saud Bedouin
tribe took power over central Arabia circa 1925. The other sub sections on this
page are all ancient civilizations per se. The reason I have included this section
it so that you will see the importance of the Empty Quarter, its overland trade
routes, and the Haudramaut shore and ocean route which Allah had to cross to reach
Mecca. You
may be convinced by now, but it is important to have a look at the inscriptions
that Allah's friends left along the way to Mecca. The south of Arabia is a very
fertile and healthy land. It is almost totally neglected by the historians since
they don't have much use for the Arabs. MODERN
My theory is that Western historians and their students are mostly interested
in technology, war, and sex. South Arabia, for thousands of years, minded its
own business, never conquered anyone, and, since then, has changed very little.
The southern
Arabs never got into a great war, and they don't have borders like the ones modern
map makers try to draw on the sand. Look at a map of Arabia. You will see in the
lower part of the peninsula a vast desert called Rub' al Khali, or Empty Quarter.
You will also notice that all of the coastal countries that fringe southern Arabia
have borders that just run off into dotted lines in the desert. Historians have
no respect for people who don't kill a million people to move a line on the map,
so they have had very little interest in southern Arabia.. The
great desert, The Empty Quarter, is a barrier worse than any sea. It has seven
hundred foot high sand dunes which stretch for miles. It has salt flats which
have a lake of hot salt soup under a thick top crust through which the traveler
and his camel will fall and never escape. The Empty Quarter is very cold at night
and fiercely hot during the daytime.
It gets only occasional rains, and when the Bedhoin see a rare thunder storm far
away, they race to that location, knowing that when they get there, the shrubs
will have greened up just enough to sustain their beloved camels. The few watering
springs are far apart, and the water is usually so bad that it is best to let
the camels drink, then the Bedhoin later drink the camels' milk. The few oases
are not nearly as romantic as those of Western Arabia or Egypt. The only thing
a Bedhoin Arab holds dear in the Empty Quarter is his rifle and his camel. (FOOTNOTE
106: 160 / all / 1762; This book is very satisfying reading, though secular.)
Islam is not nearly as demanding on him as on his city friends.
today, largest oasis
in the world, (also on right, courtesy Thomas M. Mathewson) on the
trade route from the Persian Gulf overland to The Yemen and Mecca. There
need be no speculation that there were city cultures here back into the times
of Noah, maybe before the flood. Allah would have been very comfortable here in
view of the archeological discoveries found in this valley. Here is the Turkish
fort at Hufuf. It
is my opinion that the virtual river flowing out of the ground here is water from
the fountains of the deep which was not totally depleted by Noah's Flood. There
is NO rain source that explains the amount of water here.
has been identified by Strbo and others as being in the neighborhood of the Persian
Guld near Dilmun. It is thought to be the home of some of the sons of Hagar, the
concubine of Abraham. Ancient historians have reported this. Read
a larger account of these tribes and the city state of Gerrah.
Even today, with
modern transportation, it is common to see a Southern Arab driving a Datsun pick-up
truck with a camel in the back. The camel may be reduced to the role of spare
tire, but his future seems to be integrally knit with the Arab's future. A U.S.
Air Force friend of mine returned from Desert Storm and told me that he lived
in beautiful apartments while he was stationed in Riyadh. They had been built
by the Arabian government for the desert Bedhoin to induce them to come to town
and become civilized. There was even a camel stable added to the usual car park.
The Bedhoin flatly refused to move to town. They are a people of the desert, and
cannot be supervised by anyone, and they are not very impressed with "civilization."
I told you about the Empty Quarter for this reason. Only the most hardy Bedhoin
and a few mad explorers have made it across the empty quarter on foot. And, as
you might guess, most of the explorers were Englishmen. They DO "go out in the
noonday sun," but in Arabia even the dogs know better! What we have learned from
these fearless explorers is that all trade, travel, migration, and attempts at
conquest, for all of history, have come either down the Jordan valley via North
Arabia, or they have come along the west coast of the Persian Gulf and along the
southern shore of Arabia where the Indian Ocean moderates the climate. NO
conqueror ever crossed the Empty Quarter ( See graphic satellite view at right
Page 144 This
nomadic spirit of the Bedhoin even spilled over into the outside world. In
fact, the Sultan of Oman once ruled his Arabian empire from Zanzibar, or Zinj,
as the East African coast was known in 500 AD. This Arab rule in Zanzibar lasted
well into the 20th century under the rule of the Sultans of Zanzibar. (FOOTNOTE
107: The Lunatic Express, Chalres Miller, Ballantine, NY; Chap 1; Heroes
of The dark Continent, J.W. Buel, Hunt and Eaton, NY, p. 107-110, Chap. 25.)
This independent
spirit is why there is very little evidence of Allah in the Empty Quarter, and
it explains why the Bedhoin were the last to accept Mohammed's cult. Nomadic people
are seldom evangelized by "civilized" deities. <---Rub'
al Khali, or Empty Quarter To
see a photo op (well, a steel block etching) of the Sultan of Zanzibar,
I hope you
can see how the more settled Arabs of South Arabia, known as the Sabaeans, came
to be very isolated from the rest of the world, but especially from nations to
the immediate north. All of their commerce had to come around the great Empty
So the inscriptions in the stones along the way, and in the temples of their various
cults, were the result of some very zealous migration by far away gods. In reality,
this migration was by those who traveled into Southern Arabia to trade or plunder.
I am sorry
we don't have time to take the usual walk-about in the Hadhramaut, but that might
be a nice thing for you to do in person. The Yemen is no longer saddled with Marxism
and is now trying to create a tourist trade. It has a beautiful high altitude
climate, ancient history, and the best coffee in the world.
Taken together, The Yemen, and Ethiopia just across the Red Sea, are perhaps the
most neglected, yet the most intriguing, of the Semitic nations. The Roman Church,
and the commercial vultures of the tourist industry, have not yet deformed some
of these hidden treasures. To
see the ancient capital of Ethiopia, Gondar, CLICK
HERE. Page
Having set forth this picture, I now list in a somewhat technical way the various
inscriptions found in South Arabia that relate to Allah and show he came this
way on his Hajj. As I said, inscriptions cap off the claims of history, so this
is needed, even if we consider only a fraction of those available. The land of
southern Arabian inscriptions is Saba. Saba
Kingdom of Saba, the Sabaeans, was a Semitic empire established as early as 1000
BC, and it survived until about 300 AD. That is startling compared to the world's
recent empires. The Soviet Socialist empire recently collapsed after only 70 years.
The United States "empire" is just over 200 years old, and all of the classic
signs of collapse are now present. Again I note how the historians take little
notice of the strong unless they are strong in puerile western terms.
Saba was the empire from which the Queen of Sheba came to visit Solomon. Saba
was also the origin of the Habasha who crossed the Red Sea to become the Ethiopians.
Maryab was the capitol of Saba, and their caravans reached to Nineveh and, by
sea, to India and Zanzibar. In fact, there is some possibility they circumnavigated
Africa since their ships sailed the Mediterranean Sea.
The capital city, Maryab, is now a great mound of debris with modern Marib nearby.
In 1951, Dr. Albert Jamme did a great work in the area by collecting and deciphering
many inscriptions. He was finally run out of town by local government officials
who distrusted his motives.
My inscription evidence is largely from Jamme's book, Sabaean Inscriptions From
Mahram Bilqis, which he presented to the American Foundation for the Study of
Man in 1962. I begin by noting that LIL / IL is in the name of the town or area
of his searching, Bilqis that is. I shall use his numberings which are in common
use as far as I know. If you want the actual inscriptions in Arabic or the English
translation, please send for them or check a university library. (Prefix "Ja"
before each index number for further folio studies): 559-
Inscription in yellow sand stone. The inscription is a record of how the Rulers
erected a bronze statue to ILumquh, the deity of choice. `ILumquh should be pronounced,
`ILU-mquh, ILU being translated, "the god." Who "mquh" is, or if it is simply
an attribute, is uncertain. On line 7, 11, 13, 18, and 20 ILumquh is mentioned.
This is a god name based on the IL root which we have shown is also the root of
Allah. Attar is also mentioned, and this is a deity based upon Ishtar, which became
Ashtart, and finally Athtar in the Oman region.
Page 146
In Saba, Attar is the survivor, and she is hermaphroditic, that is, in Saba she
became masculine. Perhaps this hermaphroditic rarity accounts for the error by
some writers who imagine Allah was a moon god. Some Arab rock carver might have
transposed Allah and Allat in this way, and their isolated inscription would lead
the less cautious historian astray. On line 18 the word used for "the gods" is
`Lyhmw. The root of the god name is IL, Allah's ancestor.
568- Again, the rulers
erected a statue to ILumquh, and they wanted to get the official credit. In this
inscription ILumquh is named seven times, and again Attar gets used once. It is
also of note that the king's name was ILsarah. This sounds like a Semitic transliteration
of Iswara which is found in Persia and India. The IL in the king's name shows
the commonness of IL in Saba.
The ILsarah connection to Iswara of Persia and India points to the name Isa, which
Islam erroneously claims is the Arabic name of Jesus. In fact, Isa is the name
given to the second group of Upanishads who transported Aryan pagan notions from
Persia to India in about 700 BC. This will be discussed later as it relates to
the name of Jesus in Arabic. 569-
Here, ILsarah, the same king as above, dedicated a female statue to ILumquh, the
male god. It would seem that this was an effort to please the god's libido. IL
had his needs met, and this shows how the Arab has always thought of the gods
as needing a consort. Allah was no exception since we find him in the company
of a lady, or goddess, all the way from Enlil and Ninlil in Sumer to Allah's and
Allat's divine household in Mecca. Mohammed's "Satanic Verse" blunder shows how
even he had a hard time giving up this bed-chamber theology.
605- Another statue
is dedicated to `ILumquh to protect the son of an influential family. Again, the
name `ILumquh is used several times and ILsarah, king of Saba, is referred to
with respect. It seems that ILsarah was on very good terms with `ILumquh, and
winning the favor of both was propitious. 606-
Another pair of statues is dedicated to `ILumquh, this time at the orders of an
oracle. This shows that the statue dedications were a sort of purchase of indulgence,
as found in the Roman Catholic Church, where certain acts gain exemptions from
future evil. This, of course, is sub-christian paganism, whether in South Arabia
or in Rome. The pleadings by king Watarum Yuha`min, the son of king ILsarah, sound
very humble and sincere. A second stone with an identical inscription was found.
It had a couple of typographical errors, so it was either a rejected copy, or
it may be the first archaeological evidence for, "get it in duplicate."
147 631-
Two bronze statues are dedicated again to `ILumquh. We wonder, with a former single
female statue being seen, if the 631 statues were not male and female. This would
fit the ongoing Babylonian theology of the day. The statues were a thanks-offering
to `ILumquh for helping the kings, Sumharum Yuhawlid and Qatban `Awkam, in "killing,
eradicating, destroying, beheading, cutting, crushing, humbling, repelling, seizing,
capturing, plundering, and rejoicing with war" in the defeat of the Habasites
of Aksuman.
This was an attack on the Ethiopian descendants of Arabia, who had set up an empire
across the Red Sea in ancient Aksum and had returned in an effort to enlarge their
empire back into southern Arabia. The inscription refers to their "Negus," whom
the Sabaean kings defeated.
Heilie Sallassie I, killed in 1975 by the Kissinger-Ford financed Communists,
was Emperor of Ethiopia and descended from these Aksumites. King Qatban has descendants
today in Arabia who are known as the Bani Qatab, which shows that the Arabs know
how to keep the "bounds of their habitation" (Acts 17:26) for as long as 3000
years. This, contrary to the exaltation of mixture found in the white race, is
exactly what God desires, and it refutes the notion that the ancient Ishmaelites
could not persist through the ages and into the present.
The Bible says they have, and South Arabia shows how easily the purity of Arab
blood has been retained. It is common for mixed-blood Aryans, who have been mongrelized
for thousands of years, to assume that no group could retain its racial purity.
I, a mongrel Dutch, Cherokee, English, German, Irishman, say that charitably,
of course. 643-
There seems to be no statue involved, but Karib`IL is thanking `ILumquh for helping
him defeat Yada`IL, king of Hadhramaut, who attacked Karib`IL. Along with the
usual `ILumquh usages, it is important to note the use of IL in the name of both
the conqueror and the vanquished. Again, IL, the Allah root name, is found in
common use. 644-
Another statue is dedicated to `ILumquh for saving the son of Sara`atat `Aswa
from dying of disease. The writer asks also that `ILumquh will cause the rulers
of the area to be kind to him. Was the writer a bit tired of war? He includes
the king of Yamnat, which is Yemen. This shows that the IL consciousness was well
rooted in Yemen, just south of Mecca. See the map on page 127.
671- Tar`an Yuhan`im
and As`ar, his son, are thanking `ILumquh for helping them in a military expedition.
The two kings who ruled Saba, the Hadhramaut, Raydan, and Yamnat (Yemen) asked
Tar`an and As`ar to "take command of the army of the Arabs" to restore a dam that
burst and was threatening some artistic structure. This seems to be the first
case of the Army Corps of Engineers coming to the rescue of flood victims.
Albert Jamme had many more inscriptions, as you can see from the high numbers,
but these will give you enough evidence to show that the whole of southern Arabia
was saturated with the consciousness of the high god who was a LIL / IL derived
deity. (FOOTNOTE 108: 75 / ix, x, 28, 52-54, 105-106, 132-133, 144-145,
176-177 / 1206-21)
Page 148
Thus, we now know that the concept of Allah was not new to South Arabia. Rather;
the high god of all Arabs, north and south, was Allah from ancient pagan Sumer
and Babylon. In South Arabia we found that Allah was not the Moon god, as some
have claimed. The Moon god in South Arabia was Wadd, and he was found nowhere
The Moon deity of Mecca was Allat, who came to town from the north, while she
was nearly lost along the way in the south. By the time Haji Allah arrived in
Mecca from South Arabia, Wadd had the Moon all to himself in south Arabia.
We have seen Haji Allah's migration pattern from Babylon to Dilmun, and from Dilmun
to South Arabia. It is interesting also that place names all over South Arabia
are prefixed with Ba`al just as they were in Canaan and Phoenicia. (FOOTNOTE 109:
154 / 94-95 / 885) We
can now see from the map (page 115) that we have arrived with Haji Allah, and
the LIL / IL cult of Sumer and Babylon, just 400 kilometers, or 250 miles, south
of Mecca.
It is an easy stroll northward, up the well-worn frankincense road, to Mecca,
where the Kouraish
are custodians to a legendary temple. Haji Allah has a new name for that temple
in his saddle bags, that is, Kaaba. This last section of the trade routes is the
path which was most likely used to haul the gold of Ophar from Africa to Solomon's
trade route and overland commercial association between Bahrain, Petra, and Palmyra
is possibly the most powerful case for showing that the Allah cult would have
traveled OVERLAND VERY well from the Persian Gulf to Mecca from all points west.
This discussion is about the hypotenuse, a very long and deadly route, but a real
temptation to those wanting to get ahead of the competition in Middle Eastern
trade. The
following is from an archive at the University of Washington. The rest of the
account can be read there at:
The city of Angu ?? [An-ku] = Gerrha or modern Thaj. It seems probable that the
�Angu� of the Weilue refers to the ancient trading city of Gerrha, and its
port on the Arabian coast of the Persian Gulf. We are told that to travel by boat
from Angu to Haixi [= Egypt] with favourable winds took two months and with slow
winds half a year. In Section 16 of the text it says that that, from Zesan, �can
take half a year to cross the water, but with fast winds it takes a month� (to
reach L�fen, which is only a short distance by land and �across the sea�
by a very long bridge from Haixi or Egypt). So, it is reasonable to deduce that
Zesan was approximately half way between Angu to Egypt, and the northern part
of Azania fits this description remarkably well. Gerrha admirably fits the statements
in the Weilue that Angu is, �on the frontier of Anxi (Parthia)� and is in
close communication with Zesan [= Azania].� �There
was more about Gerrha [in the Greek and Roman writers] than about any other place
in Arabia, but even so it was not more than could be committed to a small piece
of paper. Oddly enough, in Arrian�s description of Alexander�s preparation
for a campaign against Arabia, including the coastal explorations of 323 B.C.,
there was not the slightest mention of Gerrha. But Eratosthenes, writing about
a hundred years after Alexander, tells of the merchants of Gerrha carrying their
spices and incense overland to Mesopotamia. This
is contradicted by Aristobulus, says Strabo, who tells that the merchants travelled
by raft to Babylonia. Strabo, who wrote in the last two decades B.C., quotes Artemidorus,
of the previous century, as saying: �By the incense trade . . . the Gerrhaei
have become the richest of all tribes, and possess a great quantity of wrought
articles in gold and silver, such as couches, tripods, basins, drinking vessels;
to which we must add the costly magnificence of their houses; for the doors, walls,
and roof are variegated with inlaid ivory, gold, silver, and precious stones.�
The historian
Polybius about the same time tells of a campaign of the Seleucid king, Antiochus
III, who took a fleet along the Arabian coast in 205 B.C., with the intention
of conquering Gerrha; but he was persuaded by large presents of silver and precious
stones, to leave the city unharmed. There was thus little doubt that in the first,
second, and third centuries B.C. Gerrha was an exceedingly wealthy city, trading
overland and by sea in aromatics, presumably the frankincense of the Hadramaut.
Strabo even tells us where Gerrha lay, but his account is difficult to interpret.
Gerrha, he says, is �a city situated on a deep gulf; it is inhabited by the
Chaldeans, exiles from Babylon; the soil contains salt and the people live in
houses made of salt. . . . The city is about 200 stadia� � about 60 miles
[actually only about 37 km � as 1 Greek stadium = 185 metres] � �distant
from the sea.� And you sail �onward,� he says, from Gerrha to Tylos and
Arados, which are the Bahrain islands. The
elder Pliny, writing in the middle of the first century A.D., is more explicit,
and I knew the description by heart. Describing the Arabian shore of the Gulf
he comes to the island of Ichara, which must be our Ikaros, and then the Gulf
of Capeus, and then the Gulf of Gerrha. �Here we find the city of Gerrha, five
miles [five Roman miles = 7.41 km] in circumference, with towers built of square
blocks of salt. Fifty miles [74.1 km] from the coast, lying in the interior, is
the region of Attene, and opposite to Gerrha is the island of Tylos, an equal
number of miles distant from the coast; it is famous for the vast numbers of its
pearls . . .� Tylos, we knew, was Bahrain, and the region of Attene fifty miles
inland was normally believed to be the Hofuf oasis. . . .� Bibby (1970), pp.
D.T. Potts has, I believe, convincingly identified the town of Gerrha with modern
Thaj, and located the port of Gerrha near the modern port of al-Jubayl:
�A recent attempt by W.
W. M�ller to deduce the Semitic origin of the Greek name �Gerrha� has important
implications for the solution to the problem of the site�s location. M�ller
postulates that the ancient Hasaitic designation for �the city� would have
been *han-Hagar, from which an Aramaicized �Hagara-� could have developed.
As the use of Aramaic in this area is well-attested (see ch. 5 below), this presents
no difficulties. From the form �Hagara-�, then, the Greek form �Gerrha�
can be derived. The application of the term ha�ar to a walled city with towers
and bastions was stressed by H. Von Wissmann in his final, posthumously published
work on Sabaean history. If a similar usage obtained in north-eastern Arabia where,
as we have seen, the South Arabian alphabet was used in the indigenous Hasaitic
inscriptions, then one immediately thinks of Thaj as a likely candidate for the
site of ancient Gerrha. Pliny�s statement that Gerrha �measures five miles
round and has towers made of squared blocks of salt� is, moreover, reminiscent
of the white limestone city wall at Thaj discussed above; nor are there any other
sites of the period in eastern Arabia which fit such a description. Finally, if
we remember the admittedly rough calculation of the distance between Gerrha and
Teredon which brought us to the region of al-Jubayl, it is interesting to note
that this is in fact Thaj�s traditional and indeed only outlet to the sea. Thus,
there exists at least a strong possibility that Thaj and al-Jubayl are the sites
of the inland town of Gerrha and its coastal port.� Potts (1990), pp. 89-90.
we have seen, Androsthenes� information on Tylos [modern Bahrain], and by extension
that of Theophrastus, can be dated to the lifetime of Alexander. Some of Pliny�s
material, such as the parts drawn from Juba, can be dated roughly to the time
of Christ, around the middle of the Parthian period. When we move into the second
century AD, an altogether different perspective on Bahrain is afforded by an important
inscription discovered during the 1939-40 season of excavations at Palmyra. The
text belongs to a group of Palmyrene texts known as �caravan inscriptions�,
in which a prominent citizen was honoured by his compatriots for services rendered
in the caravan trade between Palmyra and Babylonia. In this case, the text records
that in AD131 the Palmyrene merchants of Spasinou Charax erected a statue at Palmyra
in honour of Iarhai, son of Nebozabad. What makes this text so important, however,
is the added fact that Iarhi is said to have served as �satrap of the Thilouanoi
for Meredat, king of Spasinou Charax�. Spasinou Charax, a city located near
modern Basra in the southernmost Babylonian province of Mesene, was the capital
of the small but important kingdom of Characene. Situated
in the shadow of Parthia, this kingdom enjoyed commercial success and attendant
fame out of all proportion to its size, since Spasinou Charax was the most important
Babylonian port of call for ships arriving laden with luxury goods from the East
during the first century BC and the first two centuries AD. Palmyrene traders,
as purveyors of these Eastern goods to Roman Syria and ultimately to the wider
Mediterranean world, had established permanent colonies at Babylon, Vologesias,
and, most importantly, at Spasinou Charax. The Palmyrene caravan inscriptions
leave us in no doubt that Palmyrene commerce with the kingdom of Characene was
a great success. Given the close commercial ties between Charax and the Palmyrene
community, therefore, it is hardly surprising that the king of Charax should have
employed a citizen of Palmyra in a political capacity, as satrap of the Thilouanoi.
For many years, however, scholars did not recognise the significance of the satrapal
name implied here. It was not until 1968, when a collection of notes completed
by E. Herzfeld in 1948 was published posthumously, that the meaning became clear.
The Thilouanoi were the inhabitants of Thiloua or Thilouos, which name is clearly
an Aramaicised form of �Tylos� [modern Bahrain]. Thus,
by the early second century AD Bahrain was a satrapy of the kingdom of Characene.
Meredat will be dealt with in greater detail in Chapter 6 below, but it is important
to note that, as we now know from a Graeco-Parthian inscription recently discovered
at Seleucia-on-Tigris, he was a member of a high-ranking Parthian family. Thus,
as a Parthian on the Characene throne, his rule represented an extension of Parthian
influence over Charax and the Gulf. That he came into conflict with other branches
of the Parthian nobility, however, is likely, and twenty years after he was mentioned
in the inscription from Palmyra, he was driven off the Characene throne by the
Parthian king Vologases IV and heard of no more. From this time on, a more purely
Parthian political presence was established in the central Arabian Gulf. . . .
� Potts (1990), pp. 145-146.
Although modern Thaj is situated well inland, there are some recent indications
that the town may, during historical times, have actually been at the edge of
a large inlet that joined with the Persian Gulf itself (thus averting the need
for a separate port).... 17.1.
Qielan ?? [Ch�ieh-lan] is said in the text to be 3,000 li (1,248 km) due west
of Sitao ?? = Istakhr or Stakhr, and 600 li (250 km) east of Sifu ?? = Petra.
Now, if the identification of Sifu as Petra is accepted (see note 19.1), then
Qielan must be somewhere around 250 km east of Petra. About 250 km east of Petra
the old caravan trail reached the first wells the great shallow valley of Wadi
Sirhan which stretched southeast about 400 kilometres from the oasis of Azraq
in Syria to the oasis of Jauf in northern Saudi Arabia. From Jauf there were well-used
caravan routes to the head of the Persian Gulf and to Gerrha (= modern Thaj �
see note 11.4) on the western coast of the Persian Gulf....... Badana
(east of Jauf and on one route to southern Mesopotamia) is also found in ancient
texts, as is a kingdom of Hagar in North East Arabia. Also in East Arabia, though
the exact location is disputed, was the great trading city of Gerrha. There is
also a great ruined city nowadays called Thaj, and there is some evidence that
this may also have been its ancient name. Finally, in central Arabia, on the north-eastern
edge of the Empty Quarter, was a large and very wealthy trading city called in
antiquity Qaryat Dhat Kahil (modern Qaryat al-Faw). �The
spectacular rise and development of the Nabataean kingdom to great wealth and
power between the first centuries B.C. and A.D. may be attributed in part to the
fact that it was situated on important trade routes between Arabia and Syria.
Along them were carried not only the spices and incense of southern Arabia, but
also goods which had been transported from Africa, India and very possibly even
from China. Heavily laden caravans converged on the great trade emporium of Petra,
with some of them coming from the related centres of Meda�in Saleh and Teima
in Arabia. Other caravans came from as far away as Gerrha on the Persian Gulf.
Both in Petra and Meda�in Saleh, bold architects carved buildings out of the
solid rock, as if they were slicing through the most insubstantial material. �It
is difficult to demonstrate from textual sources exactly when and how the camel
breeders took over the incense trade. The process was a gradual one, as has already
been pointed out. The Nabataeans of Petra, Strabo�s �hucksters and merchants,�
had definitely become an important factor in the trade by the first century B.C.,
and by the first century A.D. they probably controlled the desert route as far
north as Damascus. Another entrepot, Gerrha, which was not peopled by camel herders,
transshipped incense northward to Babylonia by sea in the fourth century B.C.,
according to Aristobulus who should have been in a good position to know having
accompanied Alexander on his campaigns. But two centuries later in the time of
Diodorus, Gerrha�s trade had become redirected overland to Petra. Bulliet (1975),
p. 100. END
Photo Gallery Please
read more about Saba and the erroneous effort of Robert Morey as he tried to make
Allah the moon god. MECCA
As we
look at Haji Allah in Mecca, knowing he came to town from Babylon, and traveling
from north, south, and from the Persian Gulf on in the east, it is with the realization
that he would have been here as early as 2000 BC. This is because Mecca
was on the earliest of both the northern and southern trade routes, and the sons
of Hagar, Abraham's cocubine, and living along the Persian Gulf, would traded
with Petra even earlier.
So, how did the Meccans think of Allah before Mohammed took out a patent on him?
Allah was a bit of a generic god. He had come from the ancient past, and the Meccans
were far more interested in Allat, Al-Uzza, and Manat, and the stone that fell
from heaven, the one now embedded in the corner of the Kaaba. As we have discussed
before, Mecca itself was a filthy, dry, dust hole along the trade route.
To see Mecca of many years
past, CLICK
Kouraish tribe had forced their will upon the Arabs nearby, and they convinced
thousands of travelers from Arabia and beyond that they ought to come to the Kaaba
to worship. Satan and 360 pagan gods were all present to receive them, and a pre-Islamic
haji pilgrim could be sure to find one of his gods there to receive his devotions.
This is a classic case of pagan ecumenism on the order of the present day World
Council of Churches. Page
I trust you are not too exhausted by the double Hajj we have just taken. While
we have proved that Haji Allah was derived from the ancient pagan gods of Shinar,
we have neglected his consort, Allat. In the next chapter we will get better acquainted
with her. 
This aerial view of the holy city of Islam shows you that, though
modern development crowds around the Grand Mosque as if to choke it into
obscurity, the city is still dry and dead looking, just as it was 3000
years ago when Allah and Allat arrived there to set up house.
Page 150
centered on finding Gerrha, and all the surrounding eras of ancient activity
that brought Allah along the way to Yemen and Mecca. This is not dull reading
if you have any interest in archaeology. DISCUSSION
THE EMPTY QUARTER- This is possibly one of the classic
accounts of an Englishman doing the impossible. It is a story that has been
passed by, and I do not know why. PALM
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