is he? |
One of archaeologies richest clues to life in ancient Sumer is a finely wrought wooden object known as the Standard of Ur. Found in a 4500 year old grave in the city of Ur, its 18 inch wide panels are inlaid in shell and lapis lazuli with a panorama of figures from all classes of society. One side shows soldiers in battle and leading prisoners to their king (top row center). The other depicts the king holding a banquet while commoners bring him gifts of livestock, produce and manufactured goods that formed the basis of Sumerian wealth and culture ..... |
All of this sophistication was in the first known post-flood civilization about 5000 years ago! Certainly, their wicked spiritual cleverness was just as well developed as their technical skills, so God decided to destroy their unity. He chose to confuse their languages, which is the most certain way to break up any culture. So Sumer resulted from the confusion at Babel.
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Until the time of the tower of Babel, all men spoke the same language. After the confusion of tongues by God, every man would try to communicate with his neighbor, but he could not make himself understood. There is no human explanation for this. Doubting "scholars" try to imagine how it happened because they don't have the faith to take the Bible account literally. This confusion of languages is the most important miracle in the Old Testament outside of the creation.
Why? Answer: If God did not isolate His name from the Nimrodic pagans, then the Sumerian god family is simply an extension of the name of Elohim. If there is no clear break between Shem's Elohim and Nimrod's blasphemies, then we cannot claim that Elohim is a divine singularity who stands alone and clean of the pollution of the past.
After the confusion at Babel, a man tried to say El, the original name of God, but it came out differently. Later God's name, El or Elohim, was preserved by Abraham who descended from Shem. For this reason El, or Elohim, was not heard or written in the cuneiform inscriptions from Sumer onward, and to this day men generally hate the name unless they are Jewish or Christian. After the confusion of languages, God made sure His name was only found in the mouth of Shem's godly line.
Dear Christian friend, the tower of Babel account is as central to your faith as the resurrection of Jesus. Who was Jesus if El was a deity evolved from ancient pagan god names? It is interesting that H.R. Hall, and others, indicate that Sumer came into existence suddenly and fully developed. No archaeologist can explain this, but it is easily understood when we realize that Sumer was the cultural carbon copy or extension of the pre-tower culture. "Only the names have been changed" to protect the glorious name of Elohim. (FOOTNOTE 42: 59 / 172-173 / 738)
is of great significance that from Enlil, Sumer's primal god, to Allah, all of
the gods had their female counterpart. El never had a female consort. Even the
paganized Cabalist Jews of Babylon, in designating to Elohim a wife, could not
find a linguistic device to alter EL or Elohim. They dipped into the "divine"
cesspool of Babylon and came up with Lilith, which you can see is based on the
Sumerian LIL root name of the god / goddess! (FOOTNOTE 43: 122 / 216-218
/ 1369-1370; 123, 208 / 1922- Also, the feminine name, Shakhina, was a pagan Cabalistic
Jewish name for the wife of Elohim. It is extra-biblical and blasphemous, and
most Christians use it for, "the glory of God." Beware, it is not in the Bible!)
Elohim is the only other form of the root word, EL, and Elohim is the plural form
in the masculine gender.
You see the image of Lilith in the graphic from about 2000 BC which is now in the British Museum. Lilit (plural) were spirits or the night. Lilith was evil and seduced lovers, only to rip them up with her taloned feet. This is the goddess Cabalistic Jews from Babylon picked up and said that Jehovah married when he divorced Shakina, his original goddess wife. Lilith is also the matron of the Eastern Star of Freemasonry. I hope you believe me when I try to show you that pagan forms will NOT go away. The movement of Allah and Allat to Mecca is just one of many Sumerian and Babylonian migrations of deities into the lives of people world wide-- maybe even to you if you are a Freemason. The following is Cabalist Jewish paganism, but it shows that the paganized Jews of Babylon, and Mohammed, share LIL. I should think the Mullahs would be repulsed by this:
The equality of Lilith is found in the Zohar, which is 13th century. An English translation may be purchased from Rebecca Bennet Publications, New York. Authors are Harry Sperkling and Maurice Simon---- it is often called the "S.S. translation."
Zohar I 20a likens Her to the moon and Adam to the sun.
God thereupon said to Her, "Go and diminish thyself." She felt humiliated and said "Why should I be as one that veileth Herself?" Then god said "Go thy way forth in the footsteps of the flock." Thereupon She diminished Herself so as to be head of the lower ranks. [Capitals mine]
From the mirash Alpha Bet Ben Sira, which you will probably be able to aquire from a Jewish publishing house:
God formed Lilith the first Woman just as he had formed Adam except that he used filth and impure sediment instead of dust or earth. Adam and Lilith never found peace together. She disagreed with him in many matters, and refused to lie beneath him in sexual intercourse, basing Her claim for equality on the fact that each had been created from earth. When Lilith saw that Adam would overpower Her, She uttered the ineffable word of god and flew up into the air of the world. Eventually, She dwelt in a cave in the desert on the shores of the Red Sea. There She engaged in unbridled promiscuity, consorted with lascivious demons, and gave birth to hundreds of Lilim or demonic babies, daily.
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This shows the absolute uniqueness of Elohim. Both pagan Jews in recent times, and the ancient Sumerians wanted their god to have a wife / goddess, and it shows that Enlil and Ninlil, along with Lilith, are the founders of very large family. You see, the gods and goddesses had children who carried on the family name of LIL. Pabilsag � Son of Enlil and husband of Ninisina. God of the city of Larag. Astronomically his is the constellation we know as Sagittarius.
This evolution of LIL makes mockery of the Mullahs who say Allah had no son. Mohammed used genderized language devices in giving deity to masculine Allah and feminine Allat (Sura 53-- Satanic verses). The Mullahs cannot understand Elohim's godhead, since they think the masculine calls for sexuality, a female partner, and copulation. Their small understanding colors their theology, and Allah becomes sexually masculine. (Joseph Smith of the Mormons shared this delusion.)
After the confusion of the languages at the tower of Babel, many different names for the god / goddess came into the cuneiform inscriptions of Shinar. As Dumuzi, circa 3000 BC, Nimrod carried on a sexually filthy relationship with Inanna, who is Semiramis renamed. The translation of the cuneiform description of their royal relationship is unprintable. Pornography had an early birth in Shinar and Sumer, and we have quite a way to go to catch up with the Sumerians. (FOOTNOTE 44: 52 / 126-125 / 913)
Inanna was the "divine prostitute" with whom Dumuzi had sexual relations to insure a good harvest in earth. Later Inanna was tricked into visiting the underworld by Ereshkigal, goddess-regent of hell, where Inanna was trapped and raped by the lesbian underworld goddess. Ereshkigal was later named Allat in the Babylonian version of this story, and Mohammed, in the "Satanic verses" in Sura 53, suggested that the first Muslims could pray to her. It is curious that we too have our prostitute-lesbian consorts to our rulers just as they did long ago, but at least the Christian salt of the earth now inhibits them from flaunting it as sacred. (FOOTNOTE 45: 2 / 138-139 / 919 These two footnotes can be accompanied by massive proofs to those requesting it. This is true of almost every entry in the book, but there is not room for all of the proof texting to be listed.)
This was Nimrod's theology in embryo reinstated right after the tower of Babel! You can see why Babel was hated by God from the beginning, and this is why God will soon wipe out all vestiges of that filthy city, according to Jeremiah 50-51. Now, it is always helpful to elect a high god. This is especially appropriate when the man-god, in this case Nimrod, began to age and lose his youthful appeal. So the Hamitic impostor came up with not only a high god, but he also came up with a story of origins which secured him a place of permanent honor and gave his mamma, Semiramis, a great future.
As we saw above, after the tower of Babel, the Post-Shinar society of Nimrod was known as Sumer. In their Epic of Gilgamesh, the Sumerians claimed that Gilgamesh ruled Erech, a city planted by Nimrod. (FOOTNOTE 46: 136 / 922-923 / 832) Nimrod was Gilgamesh, and Nimrod's mother, Semiramis, was elsewhere called Ishtar. She was the original "Queen of Heaven" after whom the Roman Catholic Church named their counterfeit Mary. This was the old primal cult which came to Rome from Sumer.
To see a graphic of Gilgamesh, CLICK HERE.
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Now, Semiramis / Ishtar gave birth to Nimrod / Tammuz, then later married him, got herself pregnant by him, and even later he had to die. Legend has it that uncle Shem cut up Nimrod into chunks and shipped the bits and pieces to the various cities Nimrod had built. It was considerably discouraging to have nothing left of the god to worship but his big toe or an eye ball. Of course, this seems to be in revival these days, as I understand the Roman Catholic church has four skulls and fourteen collar bones of John The Baptist scattered around Europe for the faithful to venerate. If it were not for the Resurrection and Ascension, no doubt, they would have thousands of toes, fingers and body parts of Christ scattered around the world in their churches.
Semiramis was quick to rescue the old cult, and she came up with a great doctrine-- Nimrod was reincarnated in her son who had been incestuously sired by Nimrod just before Shem's cutting theological statement. This was explained by a doctrine in legend form. As we previously mentioned, Inanna, or Ishtar as she was also called, got herself caught in hell and wanted to escape from Ereshkigal who held her captive. They made an arrangement so that Inanna / Ishtar could return to earth if she sent someone to hell to serve her time. (FOOTNOTE 47: I shall give several names with slashes from now on to show which gods or goddesses are one and the same depending on where and when you lived in the Middle East.)
She returned to earth to find Nimrod / Gilgamesh / Dumuzi having an affair while she was away, so she sent him to hell in her place. She later had second thoughts since her lusting soul missed Nimrod, and she found a fellow who agreed to take six months of each year for Nimrod / Gilgamesh / Dumuzi. The god who arranged all of this was Anu, father of Nimrod, the god / husband of Semiramis / Ishtar / Inanna. This suggests Cush, father of Nimrod, as the primal god of Shinar and Babylon. (FOOTNOTE 48: See footnote 46; also, 15 / 31 / 1669; 35 / 238 / 1538; 89 / 235 / 398.)
As you can see, we are clearly leaving the Biblical account and moving into the spiritual blackness of legend and myth. But, this was all very real to the Sumerians and those that inherited their god system. As we continue on this Hajj of Allah, please do not think I believe this garbage, but it is the heritage of Allah, so I shall give the narrative as though it were factual. At the end, you may decide which account you wish to believe-- that of the King James Bible, or that of the legends found in Middle Eastern inscriptions and, much later, in Mohammed's Koran.
Every god had a linguistic genderized name for his consort-goddess. The goddess wife of Anu was Antu. Anu was the Sky-god and is thought by some to be Cush after his descendants deified him. Nimrod and his mother could carry on in incest down on earth was that Anu never came down to earth, so they got away with it. (FOOTNOTE 49: 55 / 52 / 1555)
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Ea was god of the waters, and he was only slightly more involved with the details of earthly godship. (FOOTNOTE 50: 9 / 175-177 / 741-742) Lastly, to complete the trinity of the high gods, there was Enlil, god of the earth and chairman of the gods in counsel. His consort / wife was Ninlil. Since Enlil had a wife already, he had no problem with Nimrod and Semiramis. Some historians think Nimrod was, in fact, Sumer's Enlil. I feel this fits best.
To see a graphic of Ea, one of the Sumerian god family, CLICK HERE.
You will notice that the high gods often had a linguistically similar name, with a root form for god and a prefix or suffix to indicate gender. In the case of Enlil and Ninlil, the root form for "god" is "Lil" while "En-" and "Nin-" are the gender prefixes. (See page 125) This is very important as we follow Allah's journey from Sumer and Babel to Mecca. Enlil was the god with whom Sumerian humanity had most to do.
The eventual earthly capitol of the god Enlil was at the center of two cultures in the city Nippur. Nimrod's Shinar (Sumer after the tower event) had a southern region, named Akkad, which involved the migration of people from Babel who were somewhat different. They retained the Sumerian god system in tact.
Seldom did these early civilizations throw away a neighboring god, rather; they added him to their own god / goddess pantheon. This is why there are now so many names for the same character. (FOOTNOTE 51: See footnote 36, p. 63-89; 15 / 31 / 1669; 89 / 79 / 389) The first Ziggurats were man-made god mountains. There were no mountains in Sumer, so they had to erect their own, often raising the whole city up on divine ramparts in the manner of the Vatican. Babel was the original ziggurat founded upon the notion that man could build up to reach god. After Babel, they gave that up, but they still built high places for their favorite gods. Enlil had the central place straddling Sumer and Akkad, the future kingdom of Babylon. (FOOTNOTE 52: 55 / 53 / 1556; 93 / 78-81 / 978-979; 7 / 184-185 / 797; Genesis 11.)
The Sumerians were mighty conquerors. Well, maybe not so mighty, but they were exceedingly clever. They did two things that were irresistible to the enemy.
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First, as alluded to previously, they lined up their army along the horizon rather than perpendicular to the enemy. This made the enemy think they were a much bigger army than they really were. They also had four wheeled chariots, which carried groups of men ready to jump out and fight, and they polished their shields and flashed them at the enemy to frighten them. Times do not change. We recall, during Desert Storm, stealth of Saddam Hussein who made plastic Scuds for the US Air Force to blow up in Desert Storm. It seems that these days of folly have been forgotten now that Saddam has been caught, but there will be more sons of Ishmael who play tricks on the sons of Japhath.
Second, after they defeated a people, usually by surrender, the Sumerians took the enemy's gods back to Nippur to add to their own gods. Enlil was still the high god, but he slowly gathered a parliament of lesser gods, and the defeated people were almost flattered to be conquered, since their god actually got a kind of promotion. This is very similar to the Roman Catholic church "sainting" some small town's favorite son, even though he was a criminal. (FOOTNOTE 53: 77 / 188 / 1068)
So, we have seen how the migration of the gods took place. As cultures were conquered by others nearby, they passed along the gods, usually in both directions. This is how we can follow the path from Babel and Sumer right along until we get to Mecca. The primal source of the pagan god system must be seen as Sumer, Nimrod's heritage. It moved along the ancient lines of conquest and the great trade routes, west, south, and east, as people came to Sumer to trade and to pay taxes levied by Sumerian kings.
An example of the adaptation of men to the god system is found in the first Semitic or Arabizing ruler of the first Babylonian empire. In about 2050 BC Ishme-Dagon, a Semite from the southern Arab heritage, conquered and ruled Babylon. He named himself Ishme Dagon, or Ishme (having to do with hearing), plus Dagon (the later presiding Sumerian god), or "Dagon hears." This was an accommodation to gain the respect of the residents of Shinar whom he had conquered. It worked, and the Babylonian god, Dagon, was then passed by Arab traders back down the caravan routes to Arabia. (FOOTNOTE 54: 136 / 378 / 852)
A classic linguistic example of the power of an idea to migrate is found in the name of the Sumerian god of cold-- Birdu. That name was profound in meaning as well as theology, so it caught on as an adjective more than as the god of cold, and it has lasted to this day in the word 'beerd' in Semitic languages, especially in Amheric in Ethiopia. It was carried to East Africa by Arab traders where the current Swahili word for cold is "baridi." (FOOTNOTE 55: 89 / 49 / 374)
This chapter is here largely to prove that the most ancient god and goddess heritage, and names, could pass along in all directions and evolve into present day notions and concepts of religious doctrine. Please remember this profound power of a name or idea to migrate as we study the movement of the LIL god group, alias Allah, down the trade routes to Arabia.
This Page shows the fact that there was a Pre-Sumerian civilization which has never been found.
I believe it was the people of Babel before the confounding of the languages by God.MUCH MORE AT OUR RESEARCH PAGE
LONGER LIST-- Note the IL and LIL aspect of some in the list. LL is also a LIL derivative.
SUMERIAN DICTIONARY-- Enough to order in a Babylonian cafe maybe :-)
Also, notice the third god in the list-- Alla Xul. This shows that the phonetic name of a god
was already in use and would repeat itself in Allah 4000 years later.