AAA, Allah is not the Moon God? Here is a complete historical study of ancient origins of Islam, Mohammed, and Allah. It is a highly researched, easy to access book of 380 pages. The Bible, Koran, and Hadith are included.
is he? |
5: |
The first number:
368- Second number:
Third number: |
The first number in the example, 218 above, is the number of the Author. Turn to the back of this book to the Bibliography, and you will find the author by matching the number which appears in front of his name. The second number, 361, 368 above, is the page in the author's book. This will help you to find the book in a large city library or at a university. Or, to get the bibliography pages footnoted directly from me, give me the complete number set (including the third number, 1588 in the example) by E-mail, and I shall send you the bibliographical material of the footnoted item. I will have to limit this to the time I have available.
130 / 63 / 291- Regarding South Arabia; 108 / 94 / 923- Regarding Wadd as moon and serpent god; 52 /
121 / 909- Moon goddess origin in Sumer;
195 / 209 / 726- Wadd and South Arabian moon god is very recent compared to Allah's high god origin in Babylon;
89 / 87 / 393; 53 / 26 / 75- Mecca worshipped the sun and Allah;
46 / 529 / 967- The sun is masculine in Babylon;
174 / 334-335 / 895- Swan maidens as in Allat, Manat, and Al-Uzza of Sura 53;
177 / 532-533 / 217; 3 / 26-27 / 311; 59 / 186-187 / 747; 172 / 81 / 247- Shows how Arabs confused genders of ancient deities locally;
89 / 5-19 / 350-355- Shows the distinction between north and south Arabia. In the north Allat is Babylonian, or earth and moon goddess. Allah is simply the high god who impregnates earth. This reference, typical of my bibliography, is by Stephen Herbert
Page 346
Langdon, Jesus College, Oxford, Fellow of the British Academy, with Mary Shillito, Professor of Assyriology:
203 / 120-125 / 608-610- Origin of Allah / Allat as sun and moon deity; 63 / 732-751 / 783-785- Show south Arabia's distinctions from north Arabia;
92 / 14 / 1231- Wadd in south Jordan Arab inscriptions, shows that the office of moon god was already taken;
142 / 78-79 / 1007- This is one of the best discussions of the moon goddess principle as a historic fact from Babylon to Greece;
21 / 190-193 / 2-3- Crichton claims that Mecca revered Al-Uzza, while Allah was totally neglected;
82 / 146-147 / 890- Meccans far more awed by the black stone outside of the Kaaba than with Allah inside. The stone was claimed to be a star from heaven- Al-Uzza.
This ought to give the curious reader a good start on the subject. I shall be happy to provide the bibliography above, and more, upon request, and at cost.
Page 347
August 2002
I told you long ago that this was coming. Robert Morey still clings to his illusions and notions in spite of mounting evidence that he selected only those sources which would line up with his presuppositions:
False Evidence
On page 7, Morey writes:
In the 1940�s, the archeologists G.Caton Thompson and Carleton S.Coon made some amazing discoveries in Arabia (Morey p.7).
On page 9 we discover he meant "southern Arabia" but we have already dealt with this discrepancy.
What is important here is that these "amazing discoveries" are revealed by G.Caton Thompson in her 1944 book "The Tombs and Moon Temple of Hureidha." What did she reveal? Here is one thing, according to Mr.Morey: An idol which may be the Moon-god himself was also discovered (see Diagram #6); (Morey, pp.9-10 emphasis added).
Here he says only that the idol "may be the Moon-god himself." But he proudly labelled Diagram #6: An idol of the Moon-god (Morey, p.10).
Although Morey knows, according to his own words, that it is not certain that this idol was the Moon-god, yet he is prepared to label it as though it was for sure. There is no excuse for such carelessness.
But I suspect a further discrepancy. I did not have occasion to read G.Caton Thompson�s 1944 book, but her companion archeologist Carleton S.Coon wrote in 1945 his treatise Southern Arabia, A Problem for the Future. Morey is aware of this writing, for he quoted from it several times.
The discrepancy is that what Morey leads us to expect in Thompson�s book is denied in Coon�s treatise! Morey showed us a picture of a woman-like idol and claims that this may be the Moon-god himself which was discovered by Coon and Thompson and revealed in Thompson�s book.
Coon�s treatise says no such thing was discovered! About the three astral deities of South Arabia, the Sun, the Moon, and the Star Venus, Coon writes:
There were no carved images of these three-the Semitic tabu against graven images, while by no means generally applicable, was in force in regard to the divinities themselves. What images we do find are of people (Coon, p.399).
According to Coon, then, they found no graven images of gods but only of people. Then Morey shows us the graven image of a woman and tells us this "may be the Moon-god himself" (Morey, p.10).
So either Coon or Morey is wrong here. And I don�t think it is Coon. He was there when he and Thompson made those amazing discoveries, so he ought to know what he discovered.
I do not know where this leaves Thompson because, as I have said, I did not read her book. But it is rather odd that she would write something in her book and then her partner writing a year later would contradict her like that.
Or, perhaps Morey does not mean to imply that either Coon or Thompson claimed any such thing. Perhaps it is only his words that mislead, not his intention. After saying that this idol may have been the Moon-god himself, Morey claimed:
This was later confirmed by other wellknown archaelogists (Morey, p.10).
If "confirmed" here does not mean what it says, Morey should have used some other word we can hold him to.
What is important, though, and for this I give him credit, is his reference in a footnote to three of these "well-known archaelogists." My concern for the moment is not whether or not they are "well-known" but my concern is to know what exactly they said about this idol. A direct quote please? I have developed a liking for checking such quotes.
I find it rather interesting that when Morey refers to the idol later he says: "Now we have the actual idols of the Moon-god..."(Morey, p.14 emphasis added). What may have been is now actual, and it has multipled: now "idols"! Is Morey never satisfied adding to his cup of sins?
From the same source:
What Was the Name of That Moon-god?
Morey was successful in proving that moon worship was prevalent in South Arabia before Islam. But what was the name of that Moon-god?
Morey would have us believe that the name was Allaah. That is the point of his whole booklet. The title of his book bears this out and he keeps repeating this throughout the book. But he did not produce a single piece of evidence to connect Allaah with the Moon-god.
Quite the contrary. His own evidence proves that the name of the Moon-god was not Allaah. On page 9 Morey reports on the findings of Coon and Thompson in Southern Arabia where they discovered a temple of the Moon-god. What did they find? Morey tells us:
The symbols of the crescent moon and no less than twenty-one inscriptions with the name Sin were found in this temple (see Diagram #5); (Morey, p.9).
So what was the name of that Moon-god? Allaah? No! It was Sin according to Morey�s own words. But that does not stop him for claiming two paragraphs later that the Moon-god was Allaah.
But he invented a clever device to save face. Now he claims that
....while the name of the Moon-god was Sin, his title was al-ilah, i.e. "the deity," ...(Morey, p.19).
Rather neat. Now al-ilah which he says later becomes Allaah (p.11) is no longer a name, but a title. Morey has a way with words.
Does Morey then retract what he wrote in his book The Islamic Invasion? In that book published just two years earlier he was calling Allaah a name again and again. On page 48 he quoted from Hastings Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics that "Allaah" is a proper name.
Then on the same page he quoted fro the Encyclopedia of Religion that
"Allaah" is a pre-Islamic name (Morey, Invasion, p.48).
Then in his own words Morey said:
Allaah was a pagan name (Morey, Invasion, p.48).
We can go on and on, but the point is proven. In the book The Islamic Invasion Morey quoted many authorities who rightly said that Allaah was the name of the high God of the pagan Arabs. Morey insisted contrary to the authorities he deceptively quoted, that Allaah was the name of the Moon-god. Either way, in that book of his, Allaah was a name.
Now, in his book of two years later he makes an about-face. There is nothing wrong with learning more. If Morey discovered some new information he can acknowledge his previous error and we can go on without much comment.
But the problem is not that Morey was wrong about Allaah being a name. He was wrong about Allaah being the Moon-god. But he was right is saying that Allaah is a name. Now Morey�s problem is that the same archaeological findings he relies on to establish moon-worship in Southern Arabia also reveal that the name of the Moon-god was not Allaah but Sin. Now he is trapped. To escape this trap he claims that Allaah is a title. He has no evidence for his claim.
In this previous book, however, he was clear that Allaah was a name, not a title. He wrote:
The name Allaah was used as the personal name of the moon god, in addition to other titles that could be given to him (The Islamic Invasion, p.50).
I think it was Mark Twain who said,
Always speak the truth, then you have nothing to remember.
So, what was the name of that Moon-god? According to Coon,
The state god of the Minaeans was Wadd, that of the Katabanians �Amm, that of the Hadramis Sin, and of the Sabaeans Il Mukah. All were the moon (Coon, p.399).
The names of the moon-god were Wadd, �Amm, Sin, and Il Mukah. Allaah was never the Moon-god, despite Morey�s desperate pleading.
This is a serious accusation against Morey. For those who imagine I am baiting Morey, I researched my book and wrote it BEFORE I read Morey's book. Once I saw the defect in his research, I posted this page long ago.
I did my research with an open mind to the epigraphic and historic evidences, and my research was based on original published works backed up by on-site discoveries done in the Middle East. I was prepared, from the beginning, circa 1990, to have to allow that Allah was indeed the name of Jehovah if the evidences proved that was so. I had thought that Allah might be the name for Jehovah the same way that "God" is the name for the God of the Bible and is also used by Mormons and other heretics.
Morey started with presuppositions, and he refused from the beginning, and until now, to correct his errors. After all, he would have to rewrite the book he published, and Chick Publications would have egg on their face. I told Jack Chick this was coming, and he abandoned my solar deity findings and went with the doctor, the man of fame. So be it. No Muslim scholar will ever take Morey seriously. To date, no Muslim scholar has challenged me on the validity of my research. Some have told me they do not like my conclusions, but that is to be expected.
I also find it very peculiar that King James Only people will go with Robert Morey in spite of the fact that he uses corrupted Bible versions. Chick Publications sells books defending the KJV, and then they sell Islamic Invasion by Morey who uses corrupted bibles. This duplicity is very common these days as alleged Christians will borrow defective sources to make their point.
While I was doing my research on Islam and the origins of the name of Allah, some Middle Eastern Christians were in touch with Jack Chick of Chick Publications. The issue under discussion was the name of Allah in a new tract. Jack had already published the tract using Allah for the name of the god of Islam AND the God of the Bible. The Middle Eastern Christians were also aware of my ongoing research into the origins of Islam, and they asked Jack to look reconsider his new tract. They asked him to contact me also. He did so, and I sent him about 100 select pages from a good number of sources on the epigraphic evidences that Allah was NOT the name of the God of the Bible. Jack immediately threw 10,000 tracts in the dumpster.
I was very blessed with Jack's zeal. He republished the tract and used Al Rub for the name of the God of the Bible. Later, Jack told me he wanted to do a tract on Allah and Islam again. He asked me to provide him with help with a story line, and he expressed interest in my findings that Allah had a wife figure named Allat. He learned this from the research I sent him based on secular ancient historic findings. He pressed me to finish the research and tell him I was 100% sure of the thing. I was determined to have all bridges in place, but Jack could not wait for real research.
Jack went to Robert Morey, a Reconstructionist of the Reformed heritage, and Morey sold Jack on the notion that Allah was a moon god. I showed Jack, as in the discussion above, that 99.5% of the epigraphic evidence shows that Allah was a sun god. Real research also shows that Allat, the female consort of Allah, was the moon deity, from Palmyra to Oman, and from Nineveh to Zanzibar.
Jack cast aside my findings and jumped to Morey, and my findings were mocked. The thing that enrages me is not being ignored. Anyone who was diligent would have come to the same findings I did. The insult was that we were so close to telling the story correctly and a loser with with a short stack of research material wooed Jack into publishing material which every thinking Muslim can refute.
This tract makes the claim that Allah is the moon god. It also
claims the crescent is the symbol of Allah and the moon. The Crescent is the ancient
symbol of the moon goddess, as all epigraphic evidence and Sumerian and Babylonian
inscriptions prove. In Arabia in 625 AD, that would be Allat. The star is the
symbol of Ishtar, another Babylonian goddess. The sun is the first in the solar
divinity, and it is the sign of the god, the MALE god, the consort of the moon
goddess. This is the case EVERYWHERE in ancient evidences. This blunder by Jack
Chick made rubbish of the tract to win souls of Muslims. Those who ARE won to
Christ with that tract, will one day learn from some Mullah that they believe
a lie about Islam. I think many tracts these days are published mainly to charm
the ones passing them out. This also shows how very serious it is to let legend
and fabrications creep into our witnessing.
This is the worst thing I have ever seen on Islam, that is,
done by alleged born again believer trying to win souls for The Lord Jesus Christ.
The story line takes the moon god thing a step further. This tract claims there
was a sun goddess. That is damnable bunk. The whole Middle East never had a solar
goddess. The son was ALWAYS the male deity. Furthermore; if this is the work of
Morey, I want to know the name of the solar goddess. Allat is NOT the one. She
was the fertility goddess of Taif about 40 miles from Mecca, she was NOT in the
Kaaba, and she was the moon goddess.
Here are the Satanic Verses, which Mohammed added for a short time, to the Koran, and then removed. He claimed that Satan deceived him into believing these verses were from Allah:
Have ye thought upon al-Lat and al-Uzza And Manat, the third, the other? (53:19,20) (The present verses)
These are the exalted cranes (intermediaries or birds) Whose intercession is to be hoped for.
(This was added in the original Koran by Mohammed, then removed later after Mohammed established his power in Mecca. The three ladies were thought to be intercessors of some sort.)Are yours the males and His the females? That indeed were an unfair division! (53:21,22) (The present verses)
Robert Morey and Jack Chick need to deal with the following:
The text Mohammed added does not say the Allat, al-Uzza, nor Manat were daughters or Allah, nor does it define their divine role at all. Jack Chick or Morey simply fabricated the daughters claim. Does Moray allow Allat to be the consort of Allah? No, he makes her a daughter of Allah, according to the tract. So, Morey needs to explain how the daughter had the female linguistic equivalent of Allah. In ALL other evidences back to 3500 BC, that is ONLY used where the female is the consort of the sun god, she is the moon deity.
The Satanic Verses are indeed very powerful in dealing with Islamic leaders. But, many of them know very well that Allat is female for Allah, and that Allat was a goddess in Taif, and they will laugh at you if you try to make Allat a daughter of Allah. IT IS NOT IN ANY ANCIENT HISTORIC DATA, NOR IS IT IN ANY ISLAMIC RECORD.
Little Bride tract is a big flop historically. It is pure Mother Goose.
This tract has none of the moon god notions in it,
would be useful if you never let your Muslim friend
see any other Chick tracts
on Islam.
Jack posts the following material which is riddled with error about Islam:
Where Did Allah Come From?-- The moon god rubbish is promoted here.
How The Qur'an Came To Be-- Truth and presumption are mixed.
Scientific Errors In The Qur'an-- Some useful material here if Moray can back it up.
This man has botched the moon god thing by using a tiny minority of evidence that is not
respected by epigraphologists. So, can we trust his other claims about Islam?Is The Qur'an the Word of God?-- Reasonably useful and accurate
Common Logical Fallacies Made By Muslims-- This one borders on the scholarly. Useful
Because of this mess Chick Publications has made of their Islam series, and because of the fraud of the Alberto Rivera series with the stupid legend that the Catholic Church invented Islam, Blessed Quietness Journal is forced to make a total disclaimer of all Chick Publications material. Other tracts, far too many, have real defects. In some, the cops are made to look like fools. Cats and dogs are running around to make the story line look like a goon show. One is titled, "Why Is Mary Crying?" Mary is NOT crying. She is with Jesus, and she has no reason to cry. To make a myth of Mary crying, because Catholics pray to her, is to answer a myth with a myth. Stick with tracts that are produced by Fundamental Bible believers who are local church based. Chick Publications has a very poor relationship with local church authority.
Better yet, publish your own tracts. Computer publishing programs and printers are so good now that you have no need to buy tracts. You can say what you believe God wants you to say on any topic and to anyone you meet. Comics are assumed to get people's attention. They do, but if that is the best way to get the Gospel across, why are there no comics in the Bible? Why were the first pictures, which added to the Bible, a lot of Catholic rot from the minds of Dark Ages sex perverts?
The Word of God is almost totally missing in all Chick tracts. I note that the "plan of salvation," John 3:16, and a bunch of references without the Bible text, are added to Chick tracts in tiny font, on the last page. This implies that the Gospel is an after thought at the end of the tract. Sort of the fast legal jabber at the end of a radio commercial trying to get you to buy a new Buick.
Find tracts which are vastly Bible verses and minimal story. You will have the promise of the following:
Isaiah 55:11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.
That verse is NOT saying God will use your good intentions, good art work, and good plan. Those things are all about YOU and the artist. Who knows if God can use any of them? The promise in that verse is limited to what you find in the King James Bible, and nothing else. Get that into your tracts, and God will be able to get a verdict out of the sinner every time.
By the way, Dr. Robert Morey is NOT King James Only as to the English Bible. Jack Chick needs to explain why he defends the KJV in some publications while he also uses a man who mutilates it.
Here are examples of Robert Morey, the Bible mutilator:
As a physician, Dr. Luke was a trained scientific mind. This is why he did NOT base the resurrection of Jesus on an existential leap of faith. Instead, he talks in terms of overwhelming evidence that demonstrates that Jesus had been physically raised from the dead. He calls these evidences "infallible proofs."
The word "infallible" is not the best translation of the Greek word tekmpios. This is why most modern versions do not render the word that way.
New American Standard: "convincing proofs"
Amplified Bible: "convincing demonstrations"
The whole point of Dr. Luke is that to his scientific mind, the evidence that Christ arose is very convincing to anyone open minded enough to look at it honestly. Let us review some of these convincing evidences. MORE
In his attack on Gail Riplinger, who did have some problems, Morey showed his willingness to attack the King James Bible:
The Researcher (a now defunct newsletter promoting the work of Bob Morey) printed a critique of New Age Bible Versions. Hunt, the Christian and Missionary Alliance churches and others have leaned heavily on this rubber crutch. After publishing his error and sophistry laden 'critique', Morey lost the financial backers for his newsletter and lost 13 of the 14 stations on which his program was aired. Morey's mordacious tone must shock the air waves like Webster's "voracious" moray eel. Floods of callers to the widely syndicated radio program, Crosstalk, protested his fierce, unchristian tone and slanderous remarks about the KJV and New Age Bible Versions, forcing the stations to cancel the scheduled replaying of his interview. A similar incident on WIXL in Texas prompted the station to permanently cancel the sponsoring program.
Morey has not devoted years of his career to a full collation of new versions, but has written books discussing unrelated topics like Freemasonry and the Muslim religion. As a result, his review interlaces pseudo-scholarship with lies - a pattern often used by the cults to "deceive the hearts of the simple." Morey's beliefs, and those of the book's other critic, Jim White, are that of the reformed school. It denies truths held by most Christians, such as 1.) one must, by an act of free will, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved and 2.) bible prophecy points to a time of tribulation, a coming antichrist, followed by the second coming of Christ and the millennial kingdom. Books like New Age Bible Versions, which affirm such beliefs, are bound to receive a biased review.
A footnote Morey used: "Erasmus was into the occult."(4) (Colin Wilson, The Occult, (New York: Random House, 1971), p. 242)
Another footnote by Morey: "Erasmus started liberalism. Erasmus' religion was New Age." (The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, New York: Macmillian, 1972) 111:42) "his philosophy of Christ...was nondoctrinal religion, a religion without theology...This outlook had a great impact on the most liberal reformers and the nondoctrinal mystics." And, "In place of the philosophical and theological systems of the time, Erasmus set forth his 'philosophy of Christ,' to be arrived by pious study rather than disputations. This 'philosophy' was supposed to represent the simple message of Christianity in its spirit rather than its letter; it was a message to be lived, not to be formulated in abstract systems. It was a nondoctrinal religion, a religion without theology, which could be approached through the early Church Fathers and the morality of the New Testament but not through the morass of distinctions, terminology, and theory built up in the Middle Ages. This outlook had a great impact on the most liberal reformers and nondoctrinal mystics." (p. 43)
Morey claims, "King James was a homosexual, the KJV is thus a "queer" Bible." And, "King James was a crypto-Roman Catholic."
Morey's lack of knowledge as he slams around in the dark, "[There are] only 1,700 Old Testament MS...Nearly all are quite late and date from the Middle Ages (1000) A.D." FACT-- There are at least 4200 such manuscripts.
Morey's Bible has errors, "Only 13 errors happened." in the Old Testament. Morey got that from Dr. Burrows, who has since recanted.
Morey claims a very small number of omissions are found in modern non-KJV bibles, "Only about 50 readings are problematic and all of them fit on one page." In fact, there are 64,098 omissions of words in the NIV, which is 170 pages in a 1700 page Bible.
Morey trusts intellectualism and scholarship for the final verdict on Bible meanings, "When in doubt about a text, we have a wealth of resources to consult."
Morey trashed Revelation 22, "Since none of his [Erasmus] manuscripts had the last of Rev. 22, he translated it from the Latin into Greek" Herman Hoskier, one of the few men who ever did a full collation of the manuscripts for Revelation, disputes Morey's claim, affirming that Erasmus used Greek MS 141 (2049). (See Hoskier, Herman, Concerning the Text of the Apocalypse, London: Quaritch, Vol. 1, pp. 474-77; Vol. 2, pp. 454, 635.)
MORE from my source.
Morey, as to doctrine, says, "He (God) hated the reprobate and planned their sin and damnation" (296) Studies in the Atonement This is hyper-Calvinism, and it is precisely what Mohammed taught.
If you think this Reformed snob can be trusted to get the god and goddess story right from 3500 BC, I have this great deal for you on a bridge in Brooklyn. Jack Chick should also take a long look at this hyper-Calvinist, as should all you who claim to be Fundamental bible believers.
Finally, Robert Morey's book, Islamic Invasion, is NOT written with a view to win souls from Islam to Jesus Christ. It is an Arab bashing defensive exercise in meanness:
"The contents of Morey's book are familiar from many previous Christian polemics against Islam-a dubious look at the Prophet Muhammad's life, at Islamic theology, and at Muslim history-but the intent is different. In bygone eras, such a study would have had a missionary purpose (as with Samuel Zwemmer); now, as the title and subtitle both imply, it is defensive. Christians no longer expect to take their faith to the Muslims but fear conversions of their own to Islam. The back cover asks, "As mosques appear across the country, people are asking - 'What do I need to know about Islam?' Morey, executive director of the Research and Education Foundation, "an organization which investigates topics that affect Western culture and values," offers an alarming answer. He sees Islam primarily as "a form of cultural imperialism" that seeks to impose the ways of seventh-century Arabia on twentieth-century America. To back this up, he tells of visiting an African-American household and finding that its members "wore Arab clothing, listened to Arab music, and ate Arab food! . . . They had abandoned American culture and adopted Arabian culture instead. This is what Islam meant to them. " Daniel Pipes
This method of polemic is fine if you are trying to terrorize the saints and turn them in hate against the lost sinner. But, true believers, and I trust Jack Chick, have another agenda. Morey has NO zeal for lost souls. Morey's God wants them damned, and so does Robert Morey.
Finally, Robert Morey's web site has a lot about salvation doctrine for Christians to understand, and he tells the reader how to deal with cults. But, he nowhere on that site gives the Gospel of The Lord Jesus Christ to the web surfer and reader, at least not in a friendly loving manner of a man who is broken hearted for lost souls. CHECK IT OUT
Jack Chick has used a man who is like mackerel in the moonlight. He shines and he stinks.
Perhaps this explains their myths about Islam being started by the Catholic Church,
Jack Chick printed their book full of mythical notions and foolishness.
SEE WHERE THEY ENDED UP Collins is co-author of the book posted, Brown writes a promo below.I feel I am vindicated by time and the evidences,
though I am forced to thank Muslims who forced this thing out into the open.Another Islamic response to Morey's errors
POW! Here is the killer of them all, for this writer has found the connection between El and the moon god, according to Coon, one of Morey's sources. Coon was an ungodly researcher in the Middle East who WANTED El, or Elohim, to be a pagan deity. He therefore called El the moon god. I told you from day one when I put this book on the Web, circa 1995, that a smart Mullah would one day stuff Morey's idiocy right back down his throat with this "Allah is a moon god" rubbish. He set up the Mullahs with a case they could not lose, and while they are heretics by biblical definitions, they are not idiots. There is also a very nasty surprise waiting in the Sinai desert for Morey, once a Mullah finds the research in a university library, and all because Morey would not make Allah the solar deity, which he was.
Allah, Mohammed, Muslim, Hadith, Islam, WTC, World Trade Center, 9/11, osama, al qaeda, ismaili, aga khan, Mecca, Arabs, Taif, Sumer, Allat, Ishtar, Euphrates, Zwemmer, mesopotamia, asshur, assyria, Medina, Arabia, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Haudramaut, Coffee, Saba, Ethiopia, Red Sea, Tema, Egypt, Phoenicia, Israel, Horus, Ashtart, Rimmon, Asshur, Rahman, Brahman, India, Vedas, Hindu, Isa, Yitha, El, Elohim, Abraham, Ishmael, Mullah, Mosque, Kaaba, Koran, Bible, Nile, Tigris, Damascus, Nineveh, Elam, Upanishads, Vedanta, Kali, New World Order, talking heads, CBS, NBC, BBC, Babylon, Nippor, Ur, Bahrain, Oman, Zanzibar, Zinj, Dhow, Camel, Oil, Kuwait, Persia, Paul, Jesus, Fatima, Khadijah, Zamzam, Omar, Nimrod, Semiramis, fatima, Epigraphs, Inscriptions, Dar ul Islam, Jihad, Dearborn, Birmingham, Imam, Sheik, Phallic, Moon, Goddess, Sun, Star, Angel, Al Uzza, Manat, Imam, Mullah, Innana, Inanna, Frazer, Winnett, Archaeology, Pholio, Nazareth, Jerusalem, Prophecy, Jinn, India, Oasis, Oases, Rub Al Qwain, Empty Quarter, Bedhoin, Salladin. Patai, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Moab, Amman, Ammon, Bush, Kissinger, Greek, Lato, Lat, Vatican, Grand, Latin, Dagon, Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh, Nebuchadnezzar, India, Sand, Palm, Cairo, Baghdad, Saddam, Nasser, Zionism, Zionist, PLO, Persia, persian gulf, Arafat, Rabbi, Jew, Jewish, Palestinian, Terrorist, War, Eastern, Gate, Taima, Negus, Hegira. Hegira, Jiddah, Paradise, Isaac, Abdallah, Al Hadiz, Accad, Akkad, Petra, Bahrain, Abdullah, Ahmed, Akbar, Anabaptist. Lord, Apostle, Nation, Armenia, Aryan, Eritrea, Asmara, Syria, Ayatollah, Ayesha, Aden, Yemen, Haudramaut, Aziz, Ba'al, Baal, Babel, Basilica, Basra, Beirut, Bethlehem, Boniface, Ghali, Budhist, Cabbala, Caliph, Calneh, Canaan, Cannibal, Chaldeans,Christ, Circumcision, Clitoridectomy, Constantine, Contextualization, Coptic, Croatia, Cyrus, Daniel, Dar-ul-Harb, Deedat, Dilmun, Djibouti, Dowry, Dubai, Dusares, Eid, El Elyon, El Elyon, Enlil, Ereshkigal, Faisal, Falasha, Ghadaffi, Gog, Gorbachev, Gulf, Habasha, Hagar, Hajj, Hamite, Hammurabi, Havilah, Hebrew, Herodotus, Houris, Muta, Marriage, Injil, Intifada, Ishmaelite, Iswara, Jizya, Josephus, Judah, Kabbala, Kaffir, Khartoum, Kouraish, Lebanon, Libido, Lilith, Lucifer, Madhi, Madrassa, Marduk, Mary, Rivera, Mass, Mesopotamia, Moses, Moshey, Nabataean, Nanak, Negev, v, Noah, Orthodox, Ottoman, Pakistan, Palmyra, Peter, Phoenicia, Pillar, Qatab, Qibla, Quran, Koran, Rimmon, Roman Catholic , Rome, Russia, Sadat, Safiya, Satanic Verses, Semitic, Serpent, Shem, Shiite, Sinai, Sodom, Sufi, Suni, Sunnat, Tirmizi, Wadd, Waraqah, Wives, Word, Yeshua, Ziggurat, Zwemmer