ARABIA- The Future of the Alleged "Royal
some time now I have been getting signals about Saudi Arabia. I think it is time
to tell you what I know, and, in the end of this page, I will do a bit of speculating
based on my research of the Middle East. This
page will consist of the following: 1.
A brief review of the history of Saudi Arabia 2.
A discussion of why the USA has interests in Saudi Arabia, and how that looks
today. 3. A discussion
of Osama Bin Ladan and his true zeal. 4.
Three postings from an Arab Muslim dissenting against the Saudi Regime. 5.
Material gleaned from the Web on Saudi present conditions. 6.
My final observations, particularly using the King James Bible
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1.
A brief review of the history of Saudi Arabia Before
1932, Saudi Arabia was simply Arabia, and that title was mainly given to the area
by the outside world. The local Arabs named themselves according to their clans
and tribes, and the suffixed title, "Bani," went in front of the name
of each clan of Bedouin who roamed Arabia. Thus, Bani Katab was a tribe in the
Haudramaut, or south of Arabia. Bani Habasha was the name given to the tribe from
which the Ethiopian people descended. And, Bani Saud was the name of a scruffy
and mean tempered tribe to the north of the Arabian desert near a dusty little
village named Riyadh. The Bani Saud leaders were NOT royal, and the
concept of a royal family in Arabia, in ancient times, was absolutely nil. Arabia
was ruled, clan area by clan area, by those who ruled best, and that was accomplished
by the sword and later the gun. If the Bani Katab had conquered better, Saudi
Arabia would now be called Katabi Arabia, and they would also, no doubt, fantasize
that they were somehow royal. So, the Saudi leaders thrashed around
the deserts of Arabia, trying to find a way to rule the whole Bedouin community
from the Indian Ocean to Petra. The Turks put an end to this, and the Saudis had
to flee to present day Kuwait in the 1880s to 1920s for refuge. The British had
not yet invented Kuwait, so the Bani Saud had to hang out for a number of years
with the Bani Al Sabah clan at the head of the Persian Gulf. Well,
the Bani Al Sabah family soon came into "royalty" courtesy of the British
Arabists and Queen Victoria, and they got a bit uneasy with the fierce tempered
Bani Saud hanging around. Thus, Ibn Saud, patriarch of the clan, headed for Riyadh
to the west. The Turks by then were pretty much out to lunch as decedents, and
Allenby had thrashed them at Jerusalem. So Ibn Saud took Riyadh hands down and
ran the Turks off for good. The British were up to their nostrils
in this intrigue, and they made sure Ibn Saud prospered in his new venture, and
in 1932, Ibn Saud declared Arabia a Kingdom, and named it Saudi Arabia. This was
a virtual first in Arabia. Ibn Saud, by sword, stealth, and bribery, convinced
the Bedouin of the Arabian Peninsula to submit to his rule, and that is right
where it has stayed ever since. If you think The Saudi "Royal Family"
is in control of Arabia, be careful. Lots of Bedouin have waited patiently for
many years for a chance to trash the Saudis. There day may well have arrived,
and Sheik Osama Bin Ladan is a major player in the ongoing struggle to take back
Arabia from the Bani Saud. I want to illustrate the feeling in Saudi
Arabia for the Saud family. A friend of ours was in the Air Force and sent to
participate in the Desert Storm war. He was quartered, courtesy of the Saudi government
in a brand new apartment complex. He said it was quite modern and comfortable.
The complex was NOT built for US soldiers. It had been built for the Bedouin tribes
to entice them to come live in the city of Riyadh. Each apartment came with a
carport and a camel stall. The Bedouin flatly refused to live there, and until
Desert Storm, the apartments were deserted and unused. This illustrates what the
rest of the Saudi Arabian population think of the Bani Saud. This
history is a very short version I realize, but then, Saudi Arabia has only been
a nation since 1932. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 2.
A discussion of why the USA and Great Britain have interests in Saudi Arabia,
and how that looks today. From the mid 1800s, Great Britain
has been playing a cool diplomatic game in the Middle East. Much of the chaos
in that part of the world is a result of their tricks and high minded games. Some
Arabs know this, but most Arabs and Israelis do not fully appreciate the evil
done to the Middle East by the British government. Before the British
began inventing and manipulating nations in the Middle East, the Arabs and the
Jews got on very well. I have heard many tales, from Arabs and Jews, of how good
life was in Palestine, Damascus, and especially Baghdad. A Jewish family virtually
ruled Tema in the north of Arabia, the largest oasis in the Middle East, for 150
years. Yemen had been a very prosperous place for Jews before the British began
to meddle. Lines in the sand did not exist until the Anglo race entered and insisted
that one's turf needed to be better defined, first by war, then by treaty. No
such notions existed in old Arabia. Great Britain invented, or took
by stealth, the following nations: 1.
Modern Egypt- Britain ruled Egypt until the Arabs there ran them off. The
British have meddled ever since via their clever Arabists. 2.
Sudan- England tried to subdue Sudan, and failed at first, until Emin Pasha,
a German Doctor, went into service to Great Britain, turned Muslim, and took over
the southern half of Sudan for Islam and Britain. England has ALWAYS been tolerant
of Islam if it served their purposes. 3.
Iraq- This nation was the possession of the Ottoman Turks until World War
I. The Turks came down on the wrong side in that War, and the League of Nations
punished them for it by trashing their empire. No great loss really. The League
of Nations assigned the Iraq region to Great Britain, and they went looking for
a likely Bedouin Arab to be "King" of the new nation. In 1921, King
Faisal I took the throne, and he was mentored by the queer TL Lawrence (of Arabia)
to make sure Faisal did only nice things for the West, Great Britain in particular.
Faisal I was succeeded by his "royal" son and grandson, and along came
Faisal II. He was overpowered by a Military coup, and a Baath "Christian"
named Saddam Hussein bravely (?) offered to rule for a while. That is the happy
ending of British meddling folks. 4.
Jordan- Sherif Hussein was a mover and shaker in the area of Jordan and
Iraq as we now know them. He joined the British to fight the Turks because he
saw that the British were likely to win. For his faithful service, two of his
sons became kings and hatched "Royal" families. His son Faisal went
to Iraq under British arms to be King, and his son Abdullah went to Jordan to
be the new "King" and hatch a "Royal family." This was in
1921-- same year Iraq was invented by Britain. Abdullah was a good boy, and he
sent his son, Hussein, to Great Britain to be trained in UK military academies.
This took well, and Hussein married an Anglo wife also. Never has a Arab thought
like an Anglo like King Hussein of Jordan. His son, who now rules Jordan, also
has an Anglo wife, and he promised to be as un-Arab as any Arab on earth. Nice
boy though-- I like him. Are you beginning to see why Great Britain
refused to take Jews from Hitler? Do you see why Great Britain made such a royal
mess of the inventing of the Israeli state? Britain owed many favors to the Arabs,
and British Arabists are notoriously patronizing to Arabs and hateful to Jews.
THAT is history which no intelligent Briton will deny. The US has
had limited impact on Jordan, but this is not too disconcerting since the British
have tremendous power over the Jordanian "royal family" until this hour.
So, the West can usually push the Jordanians into a neutral position with regard
to Israel and Saddam Hussein. 5.
Kuwait- Well, here was the single most absurd invention in British colonial
history. The head of the Persian Gulf could easily be argued to belong to Iran.
It had been theirs off and on for thousands of years, and they needed the ports
there. It could also be argued that Bahrain should have the area. They were just
south, and they had prospered of late and the Bedouin at Basra and that area were
close family with the Bahrainis. It could be argued that historically Basra and
the north gulf area should go to Iraq, for the area was virtually homesteaded
by Babylon 1500 years ago. So what did the clever British government
do? They made as much chaos in the area as possible. The British had established
a mail service from the area to Syria as early as 1775, and they meddled with
and pampered the Al-Sabah family. In 1899, Britain magnanimously offered to defend
Kuwait, and the Al-Sabah family had no choice but to accept, what with the greater
Arab powers at their door, and the whole population somewhere around 20,000 people. Britain
hovered over the Al-Sabah family, ignored their slave traffic, and finally brought
in the US oil companies in a joint venture to drill for oil in 1934. The scruffy
Bedouin family Al-Sabah very quickly became unbelievably rich, and they have been
until this moment. They also have never stopped trading in slaves. 6.
Bahrain- In 2000 BC, the present island of Bahrain was known as Dilmun.
It was so far from Sumer that the Sumerians never tried to conquer it. Instead,
they traded with Dilmun, and no small nation ever enjoyed such prosperity without
fighting off enemies or being conquered. The Persians controlled
Bahrain during the 1500s, and then Persia controlled them in later years. In 1782
the Bani Saud clan from Riyadh drove the Persians off, and the Saudis ruled Bahrain
in a rather friendly manner. Islam seemed to temper the Saudis. During the early
1800s the British saw Bahrain as a great staging point for trade, so they "rescued"
the Bahrainis from the Saudis and the Turks, and Bahrain became a British Protectorate
in 1861. Bahrain was the first Arab nation to install social services
for the poor, and they were one of the rare cases where the people demanded a
voice in governing themselves, and the "royal family" gave it to them.
The British tried to define themselves into Bahraini life, mostly out of lust
for the oil, but in 1971 Britain could no longer claim they were needed. The British
tucked their tail between their legs and slipped away. But, the US
had gotten into the act by then, and US and British oil ventures and Bahraini
greed melded to create a Western power base via banks and oil production agreements.
Oil has made Bahrain, and much of the Persian Gulf, a de facto slave of world
bankers and oil companies. 7.
Saudi Arabia- Now, we come to the central player, and we see that Saudi
Arabia has been the king pin in Great Britain's strategy in the Middle East. This
is because the British know who can influence the rest of the Arab world- the
Bani Saud. Saudi Arabia has been central to oil pricing as Sheik Yamani and other
Saudi diplomats have pressed all Middle Eastern nations to price and pump oil
by Saudi rules. Saudi Arabia has been the major banking entity in
the Middle East because they were first to generate vast surpluses on profits
from their oil production. This is now reversed as the US oil and banking barons
have forced oil prices down and coaxed the Saudis into taking large loans from
international banks. Recently, Bahrain and other Emirates have formed
a banking cartel which has angered the Saudis. It should be easy to see how powerful
Saudi Arabian and US bankers are, for they were the pious powers who blew open
the BCCI banking community in the Gulf. A banking cartel was set in place in the
1970s which included Indonesia, President Markos, several German financiers, an
English errand boy named Jonathan May, the Shah of Iran, and the Persian Gulf
Arab Sheiks. This cartel was to become a balancing power against Western Bankers,
and the Cartel enlisted the resources in silver of the Hunt brothers of Texas,
as well as Governor Connaly of Texas. You know the rest of the story. All the
parties involved have since either gone belly up, or they have been snuffed by
Western stealth. Thus, BCCI. AND, Saudi Arabia prevails, not because
of any love lost for them, but they have gone into debt to the tune of $50 billion,
and they can count on the bankers to cover for them in order for the bankers to
recoup their outstanding loans to the Saudis. Finally, you can see
why the USA used the Saudis as their surrogate power base in the Middle East during
Desert Storm, and why the US Military is still parked in the sands of Arabia.
You can see why Arabs all around the Middle East regard the Saudis as traitors
for letting a neo-colonial era to come upon them via the alleged terror of Saddam
Hussein. You can see why Israel does not trust the British, the USA, or any nation
in the Middle East. Britain, and the oil and banking powers, will trash anyone
they need to in order to keep the debt payments flowing, and Israel is a net loss
to the West. And, if Israel were to ever make peace with the Arab
nations, the resulting Middle Eastern power and economic structure would overshadow
the whole world, what with Arab oil and Jewish stealth in commerce. The West MUST
keep the Middle East destabilized in order to keep the upper hand. There will
NEVER be a peace treaty in the Middle East, at least not until Messiah reigns
in the area. Here is the Bible prophecy which told us this would
be the overall picture in our day: Genesis
9:27 God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan
shall be his servant. God was speaking through Noah after
the flood. Shem has had Japheth meddling and snooping around his tents since the
prophecy, and Japheth (the white race) is now writing a mortgage on the tent also! *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * 3.
A discussion of Osama Bin Ladan and his true zeal. Bin Laden
is not a member of the Saudi tribe. He is an Arabian, but of another clan, and
NONE of these other Arabian clans have forgotten that the Saudis thrashed them
around 1900 to 1930 in order to take the "kingdom." ALL the Bedouin
clans wait for revenge. This I knew long ago, and I have wondered how long it
would be before the rest of the Arabs in Saudi Arabia would rise up and blow the
Saudis into hell. NPR related how Osama Bin Laden has been a champion
of the Mujahedeen for years. Bin Laden would go to Afghanistan, and I am told
Iraq, during the Iraq/Iran war, and he would visit the wounded in the hospitals.
He would take down their names, and a couple of weeks later, a large and mysterious
cash gift would materialize at the home of the wounded soldier. It
seems that Bin Laden lives and breaths for the day when the Saudi "Royal
Family" is destroyed. He has no hate for other Arab leaders-- only for the
Saudis. His blowing up of the embassies in Kenya and Tanzania have not been proven,
and he has yet to attack the US directly. However; it would be obvious that he
would attack the US and Great Britain, for they are propping up the Saudi regime.
As long as the West meddles in the affairs of Arabia, men like Osama Bin Laden
will threaten the West. (written long before 9-11) This
is why Saddam Hussein gains the favor of the vast majority of the Arab world at
the street level. You see, Saddam is a member of the Baath Party, an elite collection
of old world Assyrians. Saddam was baptized as a baby into the Orthodox Christian
faith of Iraq, and the Baath families are NOT good Muslims. But, the Arab world
sees Saddam as a force to break up the Western strangle hold on the Middle East.
So, his photo op Islamic prayer photos in the mosque, phoney as they are, are
accepted by the masses. You may be sure though, that the powers of Saudi Arabia
and Egypt know very well that Saddam is on the right wave length of the Arab people.
They do fear him for that, and this is why Saudi Arabia eagerly invited the US
to base their war against Saddam on Saudi soil. Thus, Osama Bin Laden
is the darling of Afghanistan, Yemen, and the dessenting tribes of Saudi Arabia,
and many other radical Muslims see Bin Laden as pure and void of pollutants from
the West. Unless the US and Great Britain get him and put him away, like George
H. Bush did with Noriega, Bin Laden will eventually trash the Bani Saud and take
over Arabia in general, and Mecca in particular. Millions of Arabs will shout
for joy, and the bankers may take losses great enough to force them into bankruptcy
in some cases. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 4.
Three postings from an Arab Muslim dessenting against the Saudi Regime. Now,
I give you, with no alterations, three letters sent to me by a very motivated
enemy of the Bani Saud (Saudi Royal Family). I hope these letters reveal the mind
of the coming Arab rebellion in the Middle East. This rebellion will lead right
into the arms of the Antichrist, for a Mujahedeen revival in Arabia will drive
all Arab nations except Jordan into passionate Islamic zeal and hate for Israel. I
think you will be very startled at letter number three, for in this letter the
writer reveals how the Saudis treat Christians in Saudi Arabia. This is an old
Arab trait. The writer feels that he and I have the Arabian cause in common, and
he can therefore set aside the fact that I am a kaffir (pagan) or Christian, and
he and I can join forces against the common enemy. This is classic Arab behavior,
and it is not a trick at all. The writer is very sincere. Now, after Arabia is
cleansed of the Saudis, I will of course have to tread cautiously again, for all
things return to their former position, and I will again become a kaffir. This
is not particularly wicked, it is simply the way of the Middle East. Thus....... Letter
One: This is the perspective of the Saudi betrayal of the rest of the Arab world.
From: shaikh-juhayman_____________ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 08:39:10 -0500
(EST) To: Subject: I will help you crush these
saudis. The Saud Regime: Its Legality & Achievements
The "Saudi" Arabian peninsula is passing through a sensitive
phase which will have a big effect in shaping the future of Islam in the Muslim
Gulf. Perhaps the most evident of the features of this phase is the Islamic resurgence
which revealed the fraud of the Saudi system, and confirmed the illegitimacy of
the Saudi rule over the Muslims, and which has taken practical steps to effect
change. Added to this are a number of events with respect to the economy, politics,
society, and security which will compete to weigh the balance in favor of the
Muslim tide - God willing. A glance at history A
little over 64 years ago Abdul Aziz Aal Saud took advantage - in consort with
the English - of the call of Sheik Mohammed Ibn Abdul Wahhab to form his Saudi
Kingdom in the Arabian peninsula. After the entry of the Salafi
movement into Makkah and its influence over it in 1925, Abdul Aziz began to realize
the danger of this movement on his rule, particularly as they demanded continuation
of Jihad in Jordan, Iraq, and Kuwait and reject the loyalty of Abdul Aziz to the
British. Abdul Aziz then betrayed the Salafi movement and killed thousands of
its best adherents. Despite this open war against the inviters to
Islam, Abdul Aziz, and after him, his heirs, Faisal, Khaled, and Fahd - have not
departed from the lie which says that there is an Islamic Kingdom applying the
law of Allah. So what is the truth of these claims? The
legality of the Saudi regime The Saudi regime has lost the
most important card which it used to take advantage of to maintain its existence,
and this was the card of Islam. The claims of applying Shari"ah and defense
of Islam have become empty, and no longer have any connection with the real situation.
The fallacy of these claims has been proven through:
Governing in accordance with man-made laws, and the legislature
of these. Topping the black list is the passage of laws permitting interest based
banks to increase their activities. This includes also a number of laws such as
those for work and workers, the law for the Saudi Arabian army, and the law of
the trade room, and others which run contrary to the law of Allah.
The loyalty of the regime to the enemies of Islam such as the Jews, the Christians,
and the atheists, and the regimes enmity towards Islam. Resorting
to secular laws with respect to its foreign policies, and the setting aside of
the laws of Islam with respect to international relations. They
have achieved this knowing fully well that any of these is sufficient to take
its propagator outside the fold of Islam. Allah Most High said:
"Did you not see to those who claim that they have believed in what was revealed
to you and what was revealed before you, wanting to rule according to Satan, and
they had been ordered to reject him.�� [S.4, V.60]. Sheik Abdul Rahman Ail Sheik
says in interpreting this verse: "Whoever calls towards other than the law
of Allah and His Messenger, has departed from what the Messenger (peace and blessings
upon him) came with, preferred something else over it, and made to Allah a partner
in obedience, and has infringed what the Messenger (peace and blessings upon him)
came with, of what Allah Most High has commanded him: "And judge between
them with what Allah has revealed and do not follow their whims.�� [S.5 V. 49].
So whoever infringes what Allah has commanded His Messenger (peace and blessings
upon him) by ruling with other than what Allah has sent, or demands to follow
his own whims has broken the collar of Islam and Iman from his neck, even if he
! claims! to be a Muslim.�� [Fathul Majid Sharh Kitabul Tawhid p292.] Shaikhul
Islam Ibn Taymmya says: "It is known as a requirement of Islam, by consensus
of all Muslims, that whoever wishes to follow other than Islam, and a law other
than the one brought by Muhammad (peace and blessings upon him) is a rejecter.��
[Majmou"ul fatawa vol 12 p 524]. *Allah Most High said: "O
you who have believed: do not take the Jews and the Christians as protecting friends,
they are protecting friends of each other, and whoever amongst you takes them
as protecting friends, he is of them. Truly Allah does not guide oppressing folk.��
[S.5, V.51] Befriending the rejecters and succouring them against the Muslims
is regarded as complete rejection of Islam. Shaikhul Islam Ibn Taymmya has mentioned
this, as has Sheik Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab amongst the ten criteria which breach
Islam. It becomes obvious from this that the Saudi regime does not
differ from the other apostate regimes which dominate Muslim countries, even though
it may attempt to fool people through applying some of the laws of Islam over
the common people, in particular the laws entitled "the personal laws".
This is the prevailing situation with the regime of the Saud Dynasty.
As for the achievements of the regime in the worldly sphere, we will discuss this
without reservation. What the Arabian Peninsula has
suffered under Saudi rule The administration of the Saud
dynasty has failed in all areas and in the various fields.
On the Economic field: Fahd, in a record
period not exceeding 7 years was able to kill the national economic framework,
and its huge financial reserves. After the country being among the
richest in the world, and after its reserves reaching 140 billion dollars, Saudia
has become indebted to the tune of billions, with its citizens changing from having
the greatest reserves to having the greatest debt. Amongst
the most important catalysts to this choking economic catastrophe:
Firstly: the failed policies which led to a slide
in the value of oil. It is known that the Saudi economy depends mainly on its
huge oil reserves, making up 25% of world oil reserves. The price of oil began
to slide since the first Gulf war between Iraq and Iran as the White House demanded
an increase in oil production to force down the price of Iranian oil. This led
to a steep decline in price, in that the price per barrel went from $45 to $30,
until it reached its current low of $18 leading to annual losses amounting to
billions of dollars. Secondly: squandering
of monetary reserves in compliance with American orders, as Fahd offered his ex-friend
Saddam Hussain $25 billion during his war with Iran. Saudia also undertook most
of the expenses of the second Gulf War which was created by the United States
to invade the Arabian Peninsula; the cost of this was estimated at $60 billion.
Thirdly: the theft of the Muslim Ummah"s
funds at the hands of thousands of princes belonging to the ruling family who
draw tremendous salaries. The personal wealth of Fahd alone is estimated at $40
billion. Fourthly: the question over future
oil income by the United States of America and its Western partners, through trade
deals having as a primary aim of rescuing the sliding Western economies. Examples
of this include the deal with respect to the civil and military jet deals with
America which cost around $40 billion, the purchase of 48 Tornado jets from Britain,
knowing fully-well that Saudi does not possess the human resources to use the
equipment she is purchasing. This became as obvious as the sun during the Gulf
war. All these reasons and some others led to the loss
of the economy in a terrible way, forcing the regime to review its foreign debt
repayment schedule, which it is finding itself unable to pay. Paying the interest
alone on these debts has become a heavy burden on the country"s budget. Naturally,
this economic catastrophe would not effect the lifestyle of the members of the
ruling family. They leave it to the struggling public to face the results of the
economic policies of the Saudi dynasty. Then the Saudi dynasty took
refuge in new methods to obtain liquid currency, by imposing additional taxes
over electricity and the telephone without any explanation. The government also
began to sell public assets to the citizens, the first amongst these being the
sale of Saudi airlines. The Saud Dynasty
and the social situation: The ruling family deals with crown
land as well as private land as if these were their own personal property. The
princes place their hands over vast areas of land, then they present these to
their friends and supporters of leeches and hypocrites, not to mention the building
of fantastic palaces which are spread in various parts of the country as well
as outside it. Look at the recent trip of Abdul Aziz Ibn Fahd to
the Spanish seaside, accompanied by his large flotilla of servants, and airplanes
which specialize in bringing the meals prepared in Parisian kitchens, and "other
needs"!?! This royal extravagance was accompanied with an organized
effort to secularize the Muslim people and spread in their midst rejectionist
ideas, and moral decadence. Amongst their evil tools is the media which busy"s
itself with all which incurs the wrath of Allah, to the television which grabs
whatever may corrupt from the garbage of the world cinema, to the change of the
education curriculum with what fits with controlling people and branding them,
as they also send the best amongst their youth to the West where the roots of
the Western mentality become planted in their souls. This was accompanied
with a huge laxity in security, leading to increase in thefts, muggings, and drugs
in a manner never seen in that country. In addition to this, there has been an
increase in unemployment amongst the graduates of universities and technical colleges
to 30%. The foreign policies of the regime, and its loyalty to the
Christian West: It suffices to state the following
in this area: 1 - The second
Gulf war: The Saudi regime opened the country to the Christian forces which
made of the land of the peninsula a base to set forth and destroy the Iraqi people.
Of the most important achievements of this war was the establishment of the New
World Order under the leadership of America, not to mention the leaving behind
of tens of thousands of fully armed American troops on the Arabian peninsula and
in Gulf waters. 2 - Peace with "Israel":
The regime sacrificed the primary concern of the Muslims - Palestine and the welfare
of the Muslims living in it, thus complying with the orders of the New World Order,
and giving their blessings to the operations of subservience and humiliation.
Then they gave Yasser Arafat a financial reward amounting to $100 million in order
to fulfil the mission which has been trusted to him, and eliminate the Islamic
Jihad movements in Palestine. Then the regime extracted a ruling attributed to
Sheik Ibn Baz permitting peace with the Jews in order to give a fake approval
to this treacherous activity. Adding to this, other
ignominious stances were taken as the regime stood beside the Communists and gave
them money and arms in the latest war in Yemen; offering the apostate Algiers
regime billions of dollars to continue to lengthen its resistance in the face
of the Mujahideen; and prior to this, giving to the Soviet Union $4 billion to
rescue its failing economy. The Confrontation Two
main reasons pushed the regime to enter an open confrontation with the Islamic
movement: 1 - Orders of the New World
Order to strike the corrective Islamic movements which now pose a danger
to the policies of the United States in the Middle East, particularly with respect
to what is connected to the "peace" process, and the process of "normalizing",
in addition to their "nature" threatening the strategic interests of
America with respect to oil. 2 - The sensing by the
Saudi's of the danger of the corrective Islamic movement against their
throne. After a period of peace with it, the regime
began to arrest hundreds of Imams, callers to Islam, and the youth who are known
for their knowledge, piety, and righteousness. The arrests and imprisonment of
the Muslims which has continued for more than a year are yet to halt. Then
the regime set a number of precedents closing the door to a number of benevolent
and charitable organizations which had an effective role in helping the Muslims
of Afghanistan, Bosnia, and other places. The regime then decided
to increase the stakes in a dangerous manner. It began to shed blood, as its criminal
forces killed brother Abdullah AlHudhaif - one of those who offered Jihad in Afghanistan
- after torturing him, under the accusation of resisting arrest. This
new escalation comes to prove, not leaving any scope for doubt that the apostate
regime will stop at nothing to remain in power. As for us, we have
complete faith in Allah, Exalted and Glorified, and with the leaders of the Islamic
movements on the Arabian Peninsula who fully understand when a full confrontation
must begin which will eject the treacherous apostate Saud dynasty regime, and
raise the banner of Tawheed (no god except Allah) as a true flag for a people
who live according to the revelations. "On that day, the faithful will be
happy, with the victory from Allah, He succours whom He wills, and He is the Sublime,
the Merciful.�� My name is Juhayman.
Two: This letter is a transcription of a newspaper account of torture in Saudi
: As this
news bulletin goes to press, there are currently over 2000 Mujahideen that have
been imprisoned in Saudi Arabia during the latest oppression that began a few
days before Hajj. Azzam Publications has managed to conduct an exclusive interview
with one brother who spent some time in a Saudi prison within the last few months.
He was arrested when he returned from a land of Jihad, but Alhamdulillah, he was
released and fled the country before the latest crackdown. Azzam Publications
is still in contact with this brother and able to answer any questions relating
to it. We would like to say that what you are about to read is
not a fabricated or second-hand account. This account was taken DIRECTLY from
the mouth of the brother who underwent this torture. Defenders of the Saudi regime
will nonetheless try to say that this is a made-up story or that it is lies. In
After Azzam Publications sent out its last bulletin: '820 Mujahideen imprisoned
in Saudi Arabia', some Muslim defenders of the Saudi regime argued its authenticity.
Most Merciful, the Most Kind I don't know what to say in the beginning
and how to start the story, but I find myself forced to speak the truth and to
let the world know about the biggest hypocrite regime on the face of the Earth.
Words are not sufficient for me to describe what happened. I returned
from the Jihad in Afghanistan, where I had gone to help the oppressed Muslims
and fulfill my duty to Allah (SWT). One night I was sleeping with my family at
my home in Al-Khobar, in the Eastern Province of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
My family heard a loud knocking on the front door which frightened them. My brother
went to open the door, and as soon as he tried to open the door, the visitors
forced their way into the house and put him up against the wall. They also got
my other family members up against the wall. They forcefully woke me up from my
sleep, dragged me by my clothes and put me against the wall as well. They started
to swear at me: "You son of an adulteress! You dog! Where are the
weapons in your house ?" I told them that I did not have any weapons
in my house. Then they started to beat me, in front of my family. They began searching
my house and went through my things. Then they handcuffed me and took me in a
car to the headquarters of the intelligence services. When we reached
the headquarters, they forced me out of the car and took me to one of the rooms.
In that room, they removed all of my clothes and started to laugh whilst commenting
on my 'awrah (private parts). When I asked them why they were doing that, they
said that it was part of the search procedures. They gave me back my clothes,
took me to another room and told me to wait there The room was very cold and I
waited for eleven hours before anyone came. I had gone to sleep in a chair, and
was woken up by a slap across my face. Then someone said to me: "How
dare you sleep, you dog!" Then he started to swear at me, calling
me a homosexual, a fornicator with my mother and a fornicator with my sister.
I said to him: "Don't say that. It is not Islamically permissible."
He gestured to two guards to hit me. They hit me a number of times.
Then he said: "Don't teach us our Deen. We know it better than
you. " Then three officers entered. Their names are as follows:
Ahmad Muhammad Al-Ba'aadee Nida Al-Oteibi, Samir Rashid Al-Qahtani
They had all been educated in the USA. They sat down and, when
they saw me, they said: "His face does not suit interrogation,
as there is not enough blood on it." Then a large soldier came
and slapped me across my face a number of times until blood appeared. After that
they asked me: "Where did you learn to be a mujahid ?" I told them,
"From the Book of ALLAH and the Sunnah of the Messenger of ALLAH (Peace and Blessings
of ALLAH be upon him)." Then they said: "Liar! Liar! The Book and
the Sunnah did not tell you to disobey the walee amr ( ruler of the Muslims) and
to fight the Islamic State." I told them that I had not fought the Islamic State.
They said: "You don't speak, only we speak!" Then they asked me
hundreds of questions over nine hours. During the questioning, the subject of
Sheikh 'Abdullah Azzam- the shaheed (martyr) scholar of the Mujahideen in Afghanistan,
came up. I told them that the Saudi government portrayed a good image of him in
the media. Then one of the officers, Ahmad Muhammad Al-Ba'aadee said:
"We know the truth about 'Abdullah Azzam. He called all the young beardless
boys to Afghanistan in order to carry out homosexual acts with them under the
guise of Jihad." Eventually I asked them: "Why am
I here ? I want to know!" I wished I hadn't asked. They said: "It
seems as if you didn't have a good tarbiyyah (upbringing)." They then ordered
the guards: "Teach him some manners! " And the guards beat me until the officers
said: "Enough!" I was then taken and thrown in the cells. The next
day they returned and asked me: "Why did you go for Jihad ?" I
told them that I went for Jihad to help the Muslims and gain victory over the
kafirs (disbelievers). They said: "Liar! You want to overthrow
the Saudi regime." I said that that wasn't true. Then they questioned
me for six hours. They asked me where I had hidden the weapons and the explosives.
I told them that I did not have any of these things. They asked me more questions
and I told them that I didn't know. They ordered the guards to take me to a room
and make me stand until further notice. I thought I would be made to stand only
for one day, being provided with food. In actual fact, they made me stand for
eight days giving me only water but neither food nor a moment's sleep.
When I used to make salah (prayer), I used to make long prostrations in order
to rest. One of the officers used to come and kick me, lifting my neck with his
foot. He would say: "Don't make long prostrations! Get up!" and he would swear
at me. He used to do this whilst I was in salah! After the eighth
day I felt I was near to my death, since I had had neither food nor sleep for
eight days. Then one of the officers came and called me. They gave me food and
drink and said: "Now that we have saved you from death, you will
speak and tell us where the weapons and the explosives are. " I told them that
I did not know because I did not have anything. They said: "It seems that you
have still not learnt any manners." They took me to a room, sat
me on a chair and attached electrodes to my hands and legs. The officer turned
the switch on to 30V. He asked me where the weapons and the explosives were. I
said to myself that I would not reply except with 'La ilaha ill ALLAH'. He started
to increase the voltage to 60V, 90V then 120V. When he reached 150V, I fell unconscious.
I awoke after one day. They took me to the same room, and poured cold water over
me in preparation of more electric shocks. At that point I said: "OK! I'll tell
you where the weapons and the explosives are. " They asked me where, to which
I replied: "I left them in Afghanistan." They then started to beat me and swear
at me again. For two days I was not given any food. Then one of
the officers asked me whether I wanted to eat. I replied in the affirmative. He
asked me which restaurant would I prefer to eat from. I replied: "Masha-ALLAH,
you have five star service here!" He said: "In fact, you'll see that we have ten
star service here. " Then he began to laugh and I wondered why he laughed. He
took me to a room and asked me what I wanted to eat. I thought he was serious.
I said: "A cheeseburger from 'Hardees'. He said:
"What else ?" I said: "French Fries." He asked: "And
what else?" I said: "A Pepsi." He asked me if I wanted
anything else, and I replied that that was sufficient. Then he said: "What
do you think if we also get you an Apple Pie ?" I said: "Yes, yes,
bring that too!" He told me to wait there and he left the room. After a while,
he returned with four well-built men. He pointed to the men and said: "This
is 'Cheeseburger', 'French Fries', 'Pepsi' and 'Apple Pie'. They will serve you
your meal insha'ALLAH." I was sat in a chair, with my hands laid
out flat on a table. The man he named 'Cheeseburger' came and with a long cane,
he struck the backs of both of my hands until they became blue. The officer asked
whether I had eaten my fill with the 'Cheeseburger'. I wanted to say yes, but
I was in so much pain that I couldn't reply. Next came 'French
Fries'. He brought with him three canes and said: "These must be broken today!"
He started to beat me across my back. By the Mercy of ALLAH, all three canes broke
very soon. I don't know how many times he had struck me, since after the third
strike, I stopped feeling any pain. Then came 'Pepsi' and 'Apple
Pie'. They laid me on my back on a table, and brought something known as a 'falakah'.
This is like a short, thick, wooden log with a short rope stretching from one
end to another. They inserted my feet through the rope, and rotated the log against
my shins, winding the rope and tightening my feet together. Each person held an
end of the log and raised it, so that my feet were up in the air. Then a third
person came and with a long, thin cane, beat the soles of my feet until they were
covered in blood (as a result I wasn't able to stand for about six days, since
the soles of my feet had become torn). I pleaded with them to stop but they did
not listen and continued to beat me. After four hours of torture, they stopped
and left the room. The officer returned and asked me if I wanted
any other food. I said: "No I am full." He asked if I would like some cake as
a dessert after my meal. I was extremely angry and replied: "Get
lost you kafir! You dog! You dajjal! You American agent! You Israeli agent! You
Cross worshipper. " He clapped his hands twice and three men entered with three
glass tanks. In each tank there was a snake. He teased me: "Shall
we release these, leave you and go? Shall we? I'm a kafir am I? I'm a dog am I
? We will release these and also bring some scorpions." One of the snakes was
as thick as my arm and one was a cobra. "They will entertain you! " he said and
he gave the order for the glass cases to be opened. I became very frightened and
I called him. I started to cry and said: "I'll tell you everything,
and I won't hide anything from you. Just take these snakes away." The officer
became very happy. He stroked my beard and my head, saying "Masha'ALLAH. You are
a good boy now. You have become well-mannered." He started to wipe my tears, saying:
"Don't cry little boy. I'm like your father." I marveled at ALLAH's patience with
this man. They unshackled me and I told them I couldn't walk. The officer said:
"Don't worry. We are at your service." And he ordered the others to carry me to
the interrogation room. By now I was psychologically destroyed.
I gave them information about the brothers, but I didn't tell them everything.
And ALLAH knows that I didn't tell them anything, until after I had reached a
state of psychological destruction. For the one who is reading this account of
mine is not like the one who has been through it. I ask ALLAH to excuse me on
the Day of Judgment. I was then taken to the prison's clinic where
they treated an injury to my eye, my back, my feet and my heart which had been
affected by the electric shocks. I stayed in the clinic for six days and I didn't
receive any physical torture after that- only mental torture. For instance, they
would play loud music in my presence and swear at me with the worst swear words
imaginable. Then they took me to a normal cell to join three other Mujahideen
brothers. After meeting with my brothers in the cell, I knew that
what had happened to me was light compared to what they had been put through.
One of them was locked in a corpse freezer and left for two days. He knocked and
knocked and pleaded with them to let him out. By the time they had taken him out,
he had become psychologically destroyed and he even confessed to things he had
not done. During this period he also acquired a continuous chest infection.
Another brother was placed in a hot room and fed some very salty food. For three
days he was not given any water to drink. Then they came and asked him if he wanted
any water. He was so thirsty and his mouth was so dry that he could not even speak,
and he merely gestured that he needed water. They brought him the best mineral
water and allowed him to drink to his heart's content. When he wanted to go to
the toilet to relieve himself, they tied his hands behind his back, removed his
lower garment and sealed his private part with black tape. Then they laughed and
said: "Go on, urinate!" After a number of hours he cried and screamed
and said: "Bring a blank sheet of paper and I will sign it. And you can write
a confession to every crime above my signature. I killed Sadat (President of Egypt),
I killed King Faisal (Saudi Arabia), I killed John F. Kennedy (US President)."
It was as if he had become mad. Then he started to give them information regarding
every possible thing. Even things they did not ask him about. Then finally, they
allowed him to urinate. Once one of the brothers returned from
a torture session with a big smile on is face. Upon being asked the reason of
his smile, he joyfully told us that he was happy because he had now seen open
proof of the Saudi regime's collaboration with the US government. He said that
during his interrogation, he had also been questioned by American officers whose
identity cards read: 'FBI Saudi Arabia Branch.' Afterwards I was to find out that
the FBI even has an office in Al-Khobar. I stayed in the prison
for a further two months and ten days. One morning, one of the officers - 'Abdul
Ghani Ash-Shareef' - came to the cell and called one of the brothers, addressing
him as "You son of an adulteress! You fornicator with your mother!" The brother
cautioned him to fear ALLAH. The officer replied: "Are you trying
to teach me about my Lord ? I know my Lord better than you! Cursed be your Lord!
Cursed be your Deen!" Once I said to this same officer: "Why do
you torture me, when we are both from the tribe of Quraysh?" He replied: "Yes,
but you are from the lineage of Muhammad, and I am from the lineage of Abu Jahl."
Dear reader, you might not believe me if I told you that these
were the most beautiful days of my life. We all used to pray during the night
and fast everyday following the words of Ibn Taiymeeyah: "What can my enemies
do to me ? My Paradise is in my breast; wherever I go, it is with me. My murder
is shahadah (martyrdom). My imprisonment is solitude with ALLAH. And my exile
is tourism." Some of the brothers even wrote this famous statement on the cell
walls with their own blood. And whilst in prison, we used to constantly
repeat a slogan of which we were proud and felt we were acting by:
"La ilaha ill ALLAH Muhammad Ar-Rasoolullah ! Upon it we live, and upon it
we die. And in its path we make Jihad, and upon it we will meet ALLAH."
All the brothers in all the cells used to chant this together in one voice over
and over again. The guards used to come and kick the doors, telling us to shut
up. They would say: "May ALLAH either cut your tongues, or we will put our boots
in your mouths." But this would only increase the volume of our voices. And we
would frequently utter cries of ALLAHU AKBAR (ALLAH is the Greatest), since we
felt that this prison was a test from ALLAH to purify us from our sins and to
strengthen our Iman (faith), just as had happened to Bilal bin Rabah, the family
of Yasir, 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud, Khabbab bin 'Arrat, Abu Dharr Al-Ghifari, and
before all of them, the Messenger of ALLAH (Peace and blessings of ALLAH be upon
him). We used to feel that when this punishment was combined with
Iman in ALLAH, it became a blessing from ALLAH and not a misfortune. The voices
of the brothers were constantly engaged in the remembrance of ALLAH and recitation
of Qur'an. We felt that these voices in the future would become war and weapons
against the oppressors. Every time we saw a tyrant increasing the torture, we
became more certain that their end was becoming nearer - because ALLAH gives respite,
but does not disregard. Then after many intercessions, ALLAH favored
me to leave that prison and that country. And here I am writing this actuality
to all the Muslims in the Islamic world, so that they know the reality of this
apostate regime; that they know that it is a regime of lies, pretending to represent
Islam, whereas Islam is innocent of it. And to let those know who
defend this regime and describe it as 'Salafi' (upon the example of the first
three generations of Muslims), saying that it is established on the 'Aqeedah of
Tawheed (the creed of the Oneness of ALLAH) whilst its soldiers punish the Muslims
for raising the word of Tawheed. A Mujahid Brother Editor:
Now, do you see why 5 million Arabs have fled the Middle East to come to the USA?
America has its problem folks, but it still looks good from the above perspective.
Also, PLEASE do not make the stupid assumption that all Arabs are like these wicked
Bani Saud. I think it is interesting that there are nearly zero Saudi Arabians
in the USA. This nation is not very attractive to people with the vicious temper
of the Saudis. Also, I hope you don't think I have been converted to take the
reasonings above from the Koran etc as credible. I do have to feel deeply moved
though as other people are brutalized, especially by the "friends" of
the USA in Saudi Arabia. Letter
Three: This is the story of persecution of Christians in Saudi Arabia. I am sorry
that it is not all here. FILIPINO CHRISTIANS
ARRESTED IN SAUDI ARABIA Recent Reports Indicate a Worsening Situation as Authorities
Contact Believers by Jeff Taylor LOS ANGELES, June
16 (Compass) -- Agents of the Saudi Ministry of Interior in Riyadh have arrested
three Filipino Christians during the past two weeks for distributing Christian
religious literature and the "Jesus" film. A fourth Filipino was also arrested,
but Compass has not been able to verify that he is a believer. They have not been
heard from since their arrests, and efforts to locate the men have been unsuccessful.
According to sources in Saudi Arabia who did not want to be named,
the four are likely undergoing severe torture and interrogation to force them
to reveal names of other Christians in their fellowship. Sources
are also reporting that the wife of a fellowship leader has been picked up by
authorities and is being pressured to reveal the names of other Christians in
Riyadh. She is allegedly being "held hostage" pending the return of her husband,
who is currently traveling outside the country. Ariel Ordona and
Angelito Sizon were arrested June 5 and 6 respectively, after handing out Christian
literature. Their pastor, Ruben Aguirre, was subsequently arrested on June 10.
Juanito Manalili, the fourth Filipino, was picked up at the same time Sizon was
arrested, since he lived in the same house. Manalili was not involved in the literature
blitz, sources said. One source knowledgeable on Saudi police tactics told Compass
that when a police raid is made, all male members of a residence are usually hauled
in. This may explain why Manalili was arrested. The source also
said agents of the Ministry of Interior could be agents of the Saudi religious
police (Muttawa), or agents of the Saudi secret police, or both.
Considering the previous treatment of expatriate Christians in Saudi Arabia who
were imprisoned because of alleged Christian activity, believers inside the country
fear that the four may be sentenced to long terms of imprisonment, or even to
death. It's also likely that other Christians whose names are revealed during
interrogation will also be picked up and detained indefinitely.
One expatriate Christian previously detained by Saudi authorities described a
religious police interrogation session. "First they beat you," the source said.
"Then in the midst of the pain they heap verbal abuse and mental torture on you.
Then they beat you again while they question you. If they don't believe you are
answering truthfully, they will torture you more. One of them takes notes on everything
you say." Two Filipino Christians involved in Bible studies and
Christian prayer meetings in the [ the rest was lost in mailing ] *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * 5.
Material gleaned from the Web on Saudi present conditions.
LINK: Read about
the Saudi Royal Family and their mindless treatment of the pilgrims in Mecca
who were burned up in a fire there- 13,000 people burned! LINK:
Read the emotions
of those who hate the Saudi clan for allowing the US Military on their soil. LINK:
a CNN interview with Sheik Osama Bin Ladin-- Very revealing of how strict
Muslims think. LINK: Why
was the CIA involved with BCCI from the inside out? Is the CIA a counter force
against the Internationalist, or at least, was it under Casey? LINK:
A 1996 article shows
the extreme hate then. This makes us curious what it must be now after the
Saudi Royals gave away the bank. LINK: Osama
Bin Ladin has accomplished one thing for sure-- He has Bill Clinton and the
Feds in a dither and lashing out blindly. LINK:
Shari'a Islamic Law and
its role as a force in the Middle East LINK:
Discussion of the very
poor evidence that Bin Laden is in fact responsible for any acts of terror. LINK:
A militant
Islamicist discusses the woes of trying to get a good old fashioned jihad
going. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 6.
My final observations, particularly using the King James Bible Revolution
is coming, and Islamic Fundamentalists will prevail. In the meantime, you can
count on it- the President of the USA, no matter who he is, will launch a war
in Arabia to preserve the Saudi Royal Family. The simple truth is, if the Islamic
Fundamentalists prevail, and if they run the Saudis out of town, they will then
void all Arabian debts to all world banking communities. That is the most important
reason to go to war. All of recent history tells us this. Also, King
Abdullah of Jordan is on shaky ground. The economy in Jordan is in trouble, and
commerce is dragging. Abdullah will be pulled down, or at least have to resort
to arms, if he is to survive in Jordan's present state of affairs. The US and
Great Britain can be expected to come to Abdullah's rescue also. So
the Arab nations which would line up in such a conflict against the West and The
Saudis would be Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Syria cautiously, Iran cautiously,
Pakistan, Kazistan, as well as the Palestinians and Saudi Arabia's tribes outside
of Riyadh. Sudan would join in verbally, though they would not add much to the
actual struggle either way. Somalia might take up with the cause. Malaysia and
militant groups in Indonesia and China might jump in verbally. The result would
be an alignment similar to the one prophesied in the Bible about the kings of
the East coming against Israel. Revelation
16:12 And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates;
and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might
be prepared. I can see this also leading up to the Russian
attempt to take Israel in Ezekiel 38-39. Most prophecy teachers fail to see that
Russia comes to Israel at first to defend her, then Russia gets an evil thought
on the way. Ezekiel 38:3 And say, Thus saith
the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and
Tubal: 4 And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will
bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed
with all sorts of armour, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all
of them handling swords: 5 Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of
them with shield and helmet: 6 Gomer, and all his bands; the house of Togarmah
of the north quarters, and all his bands: and many people with thee. 7 Be
thou prepared, and prepare for thyself, thou, and all thy company that are assembled
unto thee, and be thou a guard unto them. 8 After many days thou shalt be
visited: in the latter years thou shalt come into the land that is brought back
from the sword, and is gathered out of many people, against the mountains of Israel,
which have been always waste: but it is brought forth out of the nations, and
they shall dwell safely all of them. 9 Thou shalt ascend and come like a
storm, thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land, thou, and all thy bands,
and many people with thee. 10 Thus saith the Lord GOD; It shall also come
to pass, that at the same time shall things come into thy mind, and thou shalt
think an evil thought: 11 And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of
unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all
of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates, Why
will Russia come to rescue Israel? Well, can you see the peril Israel will be
in if the whole Middle East is plunged into Islamic Fundamentalist rage? Israel
and the USA are the two great Satan's, and the USA is far away. Israel is right
there handy, ready to be thumped. Also, can you see the opportunity
for a man to come and make peace? Jihad can be very messy, and Islamic frenzy
is very hard to stop, once it is on a roll. So, Satan's man of alleged peace will
look very good to peace loving people. I think the Islamic sacred rage now building
is going to be the cause of the world looking for a Messianic figure very soon..
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