The Islamic Call to PrayerThe
Muslim is called to prayer five times a day. The call to prayer is heard at dawn,
at the midday, about the middle of the afternoon, just after sunset, and at night
fall about two hours after sunset. The
muezzin, a man appointed to call to prayer, climbs the mineret of the mosque,
and he calls in all directions, "Hasten to prayer." Many mosques no
longer require the muezzin to climb the mineret. Instead, a loud speaker carries
the message. Responding
to this call on Friday afternoon, praying in the mosque, and making the pledge
to Allah, is the only thing need to become a Muslim. At this point one crosses
over from Dar ul Harb, the house of the pagan, into Dar ul Islam, the house of
Islam (submission). The slave can no longer be beaten carelessly, and the Coptic
Christian must hereafter be given work and treated with respect. This
is a very simple, faithless, and almost mindless exercise. The emphasis is on
not making a verbal mistake rather than on believing something. If the Muslim
makes an error in the word sequence of prayer in the mosque, he will at once rise
and quietly exit in shame. The
prayer carpet is carried by the Muslim when he travels abroad. At the times of
prayer, he will determine the direction of Mecca, roll out his prayer carpet,
and say his prayers to Allah. I
last heard the Islamic call to prayer at Vernon and Dix on the south side of Dearborn,
Michigan at noon. This was the point in time when Jehovah God spoke to my soul
of His deep love to Muslims. The call of Jehovah is the call of a God who wants
to talk to his children from His Word, the Bible. The vain repetition of the Islamic
prayer ritual is replaced by a daily experience of hearing the voice of God in
one's soul.
or AZAN The Call to Prayer
is defined as the ONE who ALONE, without partners or helpers created all that
IS created in creation, either known or unknown. -------------
1 Allah u
Akbar, Allah u Akbar -- Allah is Great, Allah is Great
al-la Ilaha ill Allah - Ash-hadu al-la Ilaha ill Allah -- I bear witness
that there is no divinty but Allah 3
Ash-hadu anna Muhammadan Rasulullaah -- I bear witness that Muhammad is
Allah's Messenger Ash-hadu
anna Muhammadan Rasulullaah. -- I bear witness that Muhammad is Allah's
4 Hayya la-s-saleah - Hayya la-s-saleah -- Hasten to the prayer, Hasten
to the prayer
5 Hayya la-l-faleah - Hayya la-l-faleah -- Hasten to real success, Hasten
to real success,
6 Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar -- Allah is Great, Allah is Great
La Ilaha ill Allah -- There is no divinity but Allah